Whitney Way Thore’s Friend, Ashley Baynes, Gives Big Show Update
While My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans have wondered what was going on with Whitney Way Thore and good friend Ashley Baynes, not much has been said. Many fans have noticed that she hasn’t been on the show for a while, but no one is sure about the reason. However, fans speculated that there must have been a falling out between Whitney and Ashley since there was radio silence on the matter. But now, Ashley has updated fans, including her show status.
Fans Welcome An Update From Ashley Baynes
Lately, fans have wondered where MBFFL star, Ashley Baynes was. Since fans were missing her on the show, they believed that Whitney Way Thore had done something to cause a rift between them. However, on January 24 on Instagram, Ashley gives an update about life.
She shares that in 2019 she uncomfortably left a job she was with for fourteen years. Although it came with a pay cut, she believed it was the right decision to pave the path for forward movement in the long run. Additionally, she humbly lets fans in on the two job promotions she has received since then. First, receiving a promotion in 2021 and then again in 2023. Referring to July 2023, she says, “I was fortunate enough to be promoted again when my (wonderful) boss retired.” Undoubtedly, fans were delighted to hear from Ashley as she also gave more details about her show status as well.
Ashley Baynes Clarifies Her Status With MBFFL
Then Ashley Baynes reacts to some statements she has heard about her absence on MBFFL. Saying, “I am now because I’ve received some messages and tags asking me about my appearances on MBFFL, or lack thereof (and have read some outright wild conspiracies!).” She clarifies, “It’s true I won’t be on the show anymore, but that’s not a bad thing in my life! With my new job, 2 amazing littles, a partner to love, a household to run — I had to find balance somewhere.”
Additionally, she shares that she is naturally introverted and that “TV was never really ‘for me.’” But gracefully she shows she is grateful for the show. Adding, “Even posting this makes me feel a little weird and too personal. I AM so truly grateful for every ounce of goodness that came to me through the show — mainly getting to experience a community of loving and supportive people like you ♥️ Here’s to moving on and moving up! 🥂.”
Reddit Fans Give Their Thoughts
On Reddit, MBFFL fans discuss Ashley Baynes’ update and confirmation of leaving the show. First, a user opens the conversation, “Ashley confirms departure from MBFFL.”
- “Good for her! Interesting that she didn’t make a mention of Whit whatsoever… :).”
- “Reading between the lines, something went down.”
- “You’d definitely think she’d include something like ‘I still love spending time with Whit off-camera!’ if they really did spend time together 😏.”
- “WWT didn’t even know Ashley was pregnant. Clearly they aren’t friends.”
- “No mention of Whit. Interesting. It will be interesting to see what happens and if they just honestly got tired of her sh*t. So that’s two down. Are Todd and Tal next to make a statement?”
Fans Talk About Whitney Way Thore’s Friendships
While Reddit users were discussing Ashley Baynes’ update, Heather Sykes also came up in conversation.
- “The one thing that didn’t seem scripted about MBFFL was that her small group of core friends (Tal, Todd, Buddy, Ashley, Heather) were genuinely fond of and loyal to her.”
- Additionally, one person posts a picture of Whitney’s friend Heather replying to a message. Someone else responds, “Heather’s comment says a lot.”

What do you think is happening with Whitney Way Thore and her friends? Do you think there is more to the story than Ashley Baynes lets on in her update? Are you eager to see a new season of MBFFL? Drop your comments below.