Whitney Way Thore’s Energy Cleanse Grossed Out Friends, Why?
My Big Fat Fabulous Life star, Whitney Way Thore is very free with what she says and does. Undeniably, her friends are fairly accustomed to her ways. However, when she goes through an energy cleanse, she completely grosses her friends out. Check out the reason below.
Whitney Way Thore Is Desperately Seeking Change
Without a doubt, Whitney Way Thore is searching as she gets ready to enter her forties in the next episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Life. While life hasn’t gone the way she expected, she is still trying new things to get her on the right track before it is too late. During this season, she has expressed feelings of getting old and not being where she planned to be at this point in life. Although she is discouraged, she is trying to take the advice of her friends and let go of the past. In a preview for the new episode, she says, “Gina advised me to let go of the trauma of my past relationships.”
Furthermore, she declares, “And I was hoping to do that via therapy, maybe positive affirmations, learning some mantras, some sensible chanting, but I don’t even know what this is.” She was referring to an energy cleanse that she is trying, to allow herself to move forward. Seemingly, her friends are supporting her by helping her through it, but Whitney pulls some shenanigans that make them question if they want to stick with her.
Whitney Way Thore’s Energy Cleanse Grossed Out Friends, Why?
On TLC’s Instagram page, they posted a teaser for the upcoming episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Life. Within the video, Whitney Way Thore manages to gross out her friend. The caption says: “This about releasing energy, not pee! 🤣 See Whitney’s energy cleanse on an all new #MyBigFatFabLife, Tuesday at 9/8c.” In the clip, it becomes obvious quickly that Whitney’s friends want to support her but she crosses the line frequently. As she sits in a kiddy pool in her living room, she expresses, “I will probably die from inhalation of toxic chemicals or hypothermia before I ever even get back to therapy.” While she is explaining she is out of her comfort zone, she announces, “It’s gonna make me pee.”
Tal Braves The Kiddy Pool With Whitney
Much to longtime friend Tal Fish’s dismay, he is sitting in the pool with her attempting to read instructions from his phone and help her. His face is clear that he doesn’t approve of Whitney Way Thore’s announcement she is going to pee. Then, Whitney says, “No, no, I’m not going to do it on purpose.” Immediately, Tal interjects with a very serious face, “This is about releasing dark energy. Not about releasing urine. Please contain yourself.”
However, Whitney says, “My body is conditioned, even when I hit, the shower water hits me. You know this about me!” Following that, Tal can’t help but laugh at her. Somewhat regretting his decision, Tal adds, “Yeah, and yet I brought this pool into your living room.” Whitney exclaims, “Exactly!” After Tal’s moment of shock, the cameras catch Todd Beasley just staring, stupefied by the conversation happening in front of him.
Todd And Tal Are Good Sports
However, the friends continue the process of assisting Whitney Way Thore with removing the dark energy she has pent up. Although Whitney grossed them out, they still went through the process with her.
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Tal reads that rosemary helps to cleanse the energy. Additionally, he salts her for general cleansing and gets them plenty of seasoning for the road ahead. Furthermore, Todd Beasley and Tal make the experience more fun for Whitney and are great sports. Even though it was a moment of shock, Todd embraces the exercise and leads Whitney saying, “Breathe in beautiful aromas of the herbs and blossoms. Breathe out toxic dating app ghosts.” Whitney agrees, “Ghosts of lovers past.” Then, Todd adds, “And ghosts of lovers,” Whitney interjects, “That never were.” But Todd laughing finishes, “That leave you high and dry. Now you are low and wet.”
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Viewers Comment
- “I love how supportive Whitney’s friends are & she is with them. This was a cute idea, it’s the thought that counts. Shows how much she’s loved. ❤️.”
- “Nobody wants to watch this.”
- “I need a friend who’s willing to season me like a turkey 😂.”
- “She just wants to be the center of attention all the time.”
- “This a sweet thing her friend has done. Why are ppl getting mad this was prerecorded.”
- “Always here for some Hot Toddy and Tal ❤️.”
What do you think about Whitney Way Thore’s gross announcement while her friends were helping her? Would you stick around? Do you have friends like this or are you that friend? Check out this week’s episode of MBFFL to see what else happens. Let us know what you think in the comments below.