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Whitney Way Thore Called Fat By Unlikley Source?

Whitney Way Thore YouTube

My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans and critics talk about Whitney Way Thore’s weight loss at the moment. However, she claimed that she didn’t like people obsessing about her size. And, the TLC star reminded them that she doesn’t do that. Mind you, that didn’t stop her from talking about being “fat” when it came to “doors.”

MBFFL Whitney Way Thore Talks About Being Fat

While My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans might hesitate to call the TLC star fat, she often uses the word. Notably, she doesn’t couch her size in sensitively wrapped phraseology and, for some people, that’s refreshing. However, she shed so much weight that she’s likely to never have to use the word again if she continues her steady weight loss.

Whitney Has Lost Weight - Whitney Way Thore - Instagram
Whitney Has Lost Weight – Whitney Way Thore – Instagram

Whitney Way Thore claimed that the death of her mom, Babs helped her lose weight. However, some followers believe that she uses a drug like Ozempic. Meanwhile, others think that she possibly underwent gastric sleeve surgery. MBFFL has some light moments, and the TLC star is capable of laughing at herself. This week, she amused followers with a post about doors.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Star Posts About Doors

On Friday, the TLC star posted a reel on Instagram that revealed her standing outside of an entrance to a building.  The doors kept opening and shutting even though nobody was standing there ready to pass through. In her caption, she wrote, “EVERY damn time I shift my weight. 😑” In the reel, the MBFFL stars explained what was happening and she used the word “fat.”

These doors are calling me fat, because I am a good seven feet away from them and they keep opening and closing.


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In the comments, fans of Whitney Way Thore seemed very amused by the reel about the doors. Some TLC viewers recalled their own experiences with doors that did that to them, as well.

  • Love u, love the show and I get the sarcasm bc I rock. 🤣
  • Maybe it’s just your awesome vibe and they are motioning you to come in! 😂
  • 😂😂😂 I love your sense of humor!
  • Whitney, we love you that is hilarious. Massive love from the UK❤️❤️❤️
  • I can definitely relate 😂 The doors did not have to personally call me out like that haha.
  • You look sooooo good 👍🏻 and you are hilarious 😆 you’re not 🚫 fat love your weight loss 👍🏻 looking good. 😊 ❤️🌺

What did you think about Whitney Way Thore saying the doors called her “fat?” Did you think it was funny? Has that ever happened to you? Watch out in the comments below, and come back here for all your My Big Fat Fabulous Life news.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/
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