Truth Finally Revealed About Kody Brown’s FAKE Adoption Story
Sister Wives the truth is finally revealed about Robyn and Kody Brown’s fake adoption story for Robyn’s kids. Although Meri Brown agreed to the divorce so that Dayton, Aurora, and Breanna Brown could be adopted, now it seems it was a ploy the whole time.
Meri Brown Still Struggles With The Legal Divorce From Kody Brown
Undoubtedly, Sister Wives star, Meri Brown struggled with going through a legal divorce which took away some of the status she had held as the first wife. However, Meri tried to get past it, knowing that in their religion it was just a piece of paper, not the true “binding” of their marriage. But in a recent episode, she talks about how difficult that process was on her when talking to her sister, Rebekah Dilts, and brother-in-law, Nathan Dilts. Admittedly, Meri says it was a very scary moment for her and her sister wives, Christine and Janelle Brown. Furthermore, she says that Kody Brown would tell her she was having strong emotions because she lost some form of “power.” While Meri doesn’t feel like she ever had power, she does note that the divorce did change many things in the marriage.

Truth Finally Revealed About Kody Brown’s FAKE Adoption Story
On Reddit, Sister Wives fans discuss Robyn and Kody Brown’s true reason for going through the adoption process for Dayton, Aurora, and Breanna Brown. First, a user says, “I don’t believe the BS about why the kids were adopted.” Then, the user adds, “Robin’s kids were adopted by Kody many years back. He said it was because the kids will then have insurance. His own blood didn’t have health insurance at that time. Christine had to come up with $50k for her daughter’s back surgery. I watched an attorney explain the ways that the kids could have gotten health insurance. There was no need to divorce Mary and him marry Robin! Thoughts?”
- Another fan adds, “The storyline for the show was that they wanted the kids to legally stay with their family ‘if anything were to happen to Robyn.’ I think this was a compelling argument to Meri because she had a sister who passed, also living in polygamy, and her kids were taken in by her sister wives. Janelle and Christine both expressed surprise and apprehension when they learned about the impending divorce. I think that, to a degree, Robyn and Kody knew they were manipulating Meri and chose not to share the decision with J and C because they would be less easily persuaded.”

Kody Brown Made Promises To David Jessop
But other Sister Wives fans think it was wrong of Robyn and Kody Brown altogether. They don’t understand why they would keep the kids from David Preston Jessop in the event of the death of Robyn.
- “I think it’s totally crappy for ‘the family’ to think if Robyn had died that the Dayton, Aurora and Brianna shouldn’t have gone back to their birth father.”
- “I agree. Also, K&R promised him that he would still have access to his kids. They lied. Instead, they sh*t-talked about him to his kids (parental alienation) so now, they don’t even know that he has leukemia. It’s rumored that Dayton went to see him (lived with him?) but that hasn’t been confirmed.”
Robyn And Kody Brown Had Ulterior Motives
While Sister Wives fans believe Meri Brown was doing what she thought was best for Robyn and Kody Brown’s kids, they think it was a manipulation of Meri.
- “This and when Robyn says being legally married didn’t mean anything to her and it was a piece of paper. Ok Mrs. Brown. Kody adopted your kids so you could get a legal divorce to make it an even playing field. No? That’s what I thought. Of course the legal marriage means something. It makes her #1.”
- “I never heard him say it was for insurance. The only thing I heard was that if something happened to Robyn, the kids would have to go live with their dad, and kody would have no claim on them.”
- “I always thought it was a fake reason. He wanted Robin and he wanted to make her happy.And he wanted to dump meri at the same time. He had no regard for mary’s feelings. He dumped her, plain and simple.”

Sister Wives Stole The Storyline
Another Sister Wives fan draws the connection between Robyn and Kody Brown and another storyline.
- “It’s straight from a Big Love story line. Bill divorced Barb to marry Nicki to protect her daughter. The Browns had to make up a story in a hurry. I remember when it happened. They tried to sneak it past the viewers but y’all are way too sharp for that. Someone saw the court filing or whatever. So they used the kids as an excuse. In reality, Kody no longer wanted to be married to Meri and Robyn wanted to be the sole legal wife.”
David Preston Jessop Signed Off
Other fans point out that Robyn and Kody Brown could only go through with the adoption if Robyn’s ex, David Preston Jessop, signed off.
- However, one person remembers, “The bio Dad didn’t like D, A & B on the show so to get around having to get permission from him, they removed him from the equation aka Kody adopted Robyn’s children. Also they used Dayton’s surgery bill after the ATV accident as a bargaining chip. If Bio Daddy agreed to the adoption then Kody would take over the medical debt from Dayton’s surgery and forgive the back child support that Bio Daddy owed. Bio Daddy begrudgingly agreed because he didn’t have money to cover those expenses.”
What do you think about Kody Brown’s reason for legally divorcing Meri Brown to adopt Robyn Brown’s kids? Do you think it was a fake storyline? What do you think about this season of Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.