The Busby Quints Head to Tutoring While Riley’s Unexpected Show Steal the Spotlight | Outdaughtered
Are Danielle & Adam Busby Allowing Siblings To Mistreat Hazel?
Undeniably, OutDaughtered parents, Danielle and Adam Busby are juggling a lot trying to raise six daughters. However, after seeing the sisters interact, some people are bringing up the question: Are they allowing Hazel Busby‘s siblings to mistreat her?
Danielle And Adam Busby’s Kids Race Toward Their Teenage Years
Unmistakably, OutDaughtered stars, Danielle and Adam Busby live in a busy world trying to raise their six beautiful, growing girls. While their oldest daughter, Blayke Busby, is currently entering her teenage years, they have five more girls rocketing through their pre-teens. Admittedly, Danielle talks about how the quints have gotten increasingly more catty with each other. As pressures have escalated, Ava, Hazel, Parker, Olivia, and Riley are biting back at each other more and more. Moreover, Hazel Busby is the youngest daughter of Danielle and Adam, and fans question if she gets mistreated by her siblings.

Are Danielle & Adam Busby Allowing Siblings To Mistreat Hazel?
On Reddit, OutDaughtered fans are talking about the way Danielle and Adam Busby allow their other children to treat Hazel Busby. At first, a user introduces the topic, “Lack of conversation about Hazel’s medical challenges.” Then, further points out, “When the other girls were making fun of Hazel for being slow/not riding a bicycle, and all Adam could say was ‘You sure do like to take jabs at people’ to one of them (maybe Riley?) about it. These girls are more than old enough to understand that Hazel has a disability, and they shouldn’t be picking on her for things she can’t control. I really hope they’re not making those comments to other kids at school.”

Fans Want Her Parents To Intercede
Seemingly, Danielle and Adam Busby are attempting to raise their children equally. However, some fans think that they should intercede more on Hazel Busby’s behalf.
- “Unfortunately, your siblings can be the worst when it comes to a disability! I’m not sure about their home environment and how they are being taught about Hazel’s eye issues, but siblings can be mean when someone gets extra attention! My sibling and I are 8 1/2 years apart (I’m older) and she has been brutal throughout the years even though she knows better!”
- “I have a child one child w a disability and one without. There was never any teasing about that. It would not have been tolerated. There really wasn’t any teasing about anything. That wasn’t our family culture. We didn’t tear each other down. Look at the way they rip into crystal all the time. Their family culture includes a lot of cruelty under the guise of ‘fun.’”

Danielle And Adam Busby Aren’t Promoting Bullying
Although Danielle and Adam Busby don’t seem to be encouraging teasing Hazel Busby for her additional challenges, they also aren’t using the moments as learning opportunities either.
- Another Redditor points out, “I have a 7,6 ans 3 year old [4 on the 11th] . I have a learning disability. My 3 year old has some sort of developmental disability, hearing difficulties [and speech difficulties thst come with it] her feet have a type of club foot. We are TRYING to raise them to be kind to differently abled children/adults and sometimes they are mean to her…we talk to them when they say something mean to her. I don’t understand Adam just letting it go/letting the girls think it’s funny…”
- On TikTok, a user adds, “They’re so mean to Hazel.”
What do you think? Are Danielle and Adam Busby doing the Quints an injustice by not talking more about Hazel Busby’s disability? Is it better they are trying to let Hazel blend in with the others and not draw attention to challenges? Do you have experience in this area? Are you missing seeing new episodes of OutDaughtered? Let us know what you think in the comments below.