‘Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Still Estranged From Sons?

Is Sister Wives patriarch, Kody Brown, still estranged from his sons, Gabe and Garrison? It has come to a point where most of his adult kids have had enough of him. So, has there been any movement in reconciliation or has everything remained stagnant? Read on for more details.
Sister Wives Kody Brown Still Estranged From Sons?
Kody Brown has had it rough with his children. When the pandemic hit, he wanted his second wife, Janelle Brown to throw out their sons, Gabe and Garrison. He believed their behavior was too risky. Yet, Janelle was not giving in and chose her kids over her husband. Furthermore, her sons could not understand why Kody was so adamant about dividing the plural family. He was so dedicated to his fourth wife, Robyn Brown, and her five children that it was a slap in the face to his other thirteen. Ultimately, Kody shared that they may need therapy to reconcile.

Since then, the kids have come to a point where they realize they do not need a father, as expressed on Sister Wives. Kody claims he tries but blames the children for not giving in. Even Maddie Brown, Janelle’s daughter, says that her kids do not even recognize their grandfather. So, after all of this, and it playing out in Season 18, has there been any movement with Kody and his sons? According to Us Weekly, Janelle Brown spoke out on the situation. She is his second wife and the second one to leave the plural marriage following third wife, Christine Brown.

She shared that there is: “There’s still not a lot of movement” in regards to Kody Brown and his children. So, who does Kody actually interact with when it comes to her six kids? “My youngest, Savanah, does see her dad, but we live right there in Flagstaff, [Arizona.” However, Janelle is remaining eternally hopeful that fences mend between Kody, Gabe, and Garrison. More than that, it seems she just wants them to be amicable.
As of now, Kody Brown is living basic monogamy with his fourth wife, Robyn Brown. In last Sunday’s episode of Sister Wives, his first wife, Meri Brown, officially left the family. This is something he has wanted for years as he has had no connection with her in around a decade or so. However, she has felt an obligation to remain faithful and loyal to their plural family. This broke Robyn’s heart more than anyone else’s as she had dreams of them growing old in rocking chairs on the porch. Now, three out of four wives have left and the four-part tell-all starts Sunday, November 26th.
Do you think that Kody needs to find a better method to get his relationships back with his children? Or, does he not care to put in the effort? Let us know and watch Sister Wives Sundays on TLC.