‘Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Humiliates Meri With Sick ‘Sex’ Comment

Sister Wives star, Kody Brown made light of something very important to Meri Brown in the latest episode. While discussing the subject of their legal divorce, Meri is questioning Kody and Robyn’s motives. However, Kody completely humiliates Meri with a comment about their sex life.
Meri Brown Realizes It Was A Trick
In the latest episode, Sister Wives star, Meri Brown says she took the initiative to go through with the legal divorce with Kody Brown. It was a favor to make it easier for Robyn’s kids to be adopted. Undoubtedly, she couldn’t imagine the heartache if Robyn passed away and the kids couldn’t be with the family. She said, “When Kody and I got the legal divorce, it was something that we had talked about together for years.” Seemingly, Meri had patiently waited for her and Kody’s relationship to strengthen but began to stomach the idea it might never happen. She continues, “But at the time that it actually happened, I was the one who made that move and went to go talk to the lawyer first because I was just in a place of let’s just do it, let’s just rip the Band-Aid off, let’s just get it done.”

She explains the delay in taking the official steps up to that point. Meri says, “I kept thinking if we can wait until our relationship is stronger, then I’ll feel better about doing it and I’ll feel more confident and I’ll feel more secure in our relationship.” Meri had the gross reality check she and Kody Brown weren’t going to get better. Admittedly, she says, “But that was never going to happen, obviously. It was within six months that he quit coming around the full thing there too.”
Kody Says It Was A Matter Of ‘Paperwork’
When production talked with Sister Wives star, Kody Brown, he nonchalantly made it seem like it was an emotionless matter. Instead, it was simply passing paperwork to accomplish their goal. During a confessional he says, “Meri came to me saying we need to just do this divorce on paper so that you can adopt Robyn’s kids. In my mind, we were just shuffling legal paperwork.” In his recollection, he says, “Meri and I, after that divorce, left Robyn and went to dinner together. I gave her a special ring and we probably went home and made love.” Seemingly, for Kody, it was just something Meri was making a big deal over. He added, “I mean, I’m just like going, ‘We’re not breaking this up.’” Furthermore, he clarifies, “I never felt like that legal divorce did anything to us.”

Kody Brown Humiliates Meri With Sick ‘Sex’ Comment
But she wasn’t laughing about “draining the pickles” or who has the best “turkey” at this point. Instead, Meri Brown found it very offensive that Kody Brown would bring up a comment directly about sex so casually, especially knowing what was happening in their lives at that time. She says, “I think it’s kind of disgusting that he would bring up a potentially intimate moment with somebody that he’s divorced from because I can guaran-damn-tee you that he would never talk about those moments in this setting with his wife.” Furthermore, she made it very clear she thinks Kody would give Robyn Brown more respect than he gave her at that moment.

Kody Brown Doesn’t Understand He Isolated Meri Further
However, Sister Wives patriarch, Kody Brown still doesn’t connect all the dots. Seemingly, he is dumbfounded that Meri Brown might need emotional support after a transactional divorce. He said, “Meri volunteered it, but for some reason, it still had an emotional impact on her because shortly after was when she went through the catfish experience.”

Although Kody acts as though it is puzzling to him, Meri shares what she remembers. She says, “By the time the catfishing situation happened, mine and Kody’s relationship was really almost nonexistent.” Additionally, Meri gave more information about the timeline. She says, “I remember after the legal divorce thinking, ‘Oh, he’s nice. This was the thing that I needed to do.’ He was really kind and he was present in our relationship for a month or so, and then you just can’t keep up a facade for too long.” Admittedly, she was isolated much longer than Kody made it sound. She adds, “The catfishing situation didn’t even begin for maybe 8 months after the legal divorce.”
Janelle Sees The Writing On The Wall
After hearing from both Meri and Kody Brown about their perceptions, the producers show Janelle Brown in complete surprise. Janelle reveals, “I was actually sort of speechless when she told us that she was actually doing it, because I thought, ‘Meri would never do this.’” Likewise, she was having her eyes opened even wider to the underlying issues. She added, “I already had started to see that there was a little bit of favoritism for Robyn from Kody at that point, and I did worry.”

Christine Brown Unearths A Diabolical Plan
When Sister Wives talked with Christine Brown Woolley about what she thought in retrospect, she dumped the tea. Christine states, “So when Robyn first came into the family, she started talking to us about these other families where the first wife divorced the husband so he could marry the second wife legally and legally adopt the kids.” Then, Christine lined out how Robyn was sowing her ideas to manipulate Meri. She continues, “And I remember thinking, ‘Yeah, that’s a plant.’”

Then, adding, “And she mentioned that several times through the years.” Furthermore, Christine thinks, “Like she was putting that in there because she would have loved that to happen.” However, Christine believes it was so crafty, that Meri didn’t even realize she was falling into Robyn’s trap. Christine adds, “I don’t think Meri felt like it was planted. I think Meri felt like it was her own idea.”

But Robyn found the theory absurd. She remarks, “I don’t even know anyone who divorced their first wife so that the second wife could adopt kids.” Furthermore, she adamantly denies, “I’ve never even heard of that before.
What do you think? Should Kody Brown have been more respectful about talking about hypothetically having sex with Meri Brown? Are you ready to see new episodes of Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.