‘Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Goes Off About Meri Again On Spin-Off

Kody Brown and his wives are featured on Talk Back specials that followed the one-on-one Tell-All conversations for Season 18 of Sister Wives. The next one airs on Friday, and the preview by TLC revealed that Kody is once again going off about Meri. In particular, he addressed the catfishing incident.
Kody Brown, Meri Brown, And The Catfishing Incident
Sister Wives fans became familiar with the catfishing incident. After her husband demanded and got a divorce so he could legally adopt Robyn’s children, Meri knew things were going downhill. So, sad and unloved, she took to the internet. There, she fell for someone she thought was a man named Sam Cooper, but he turned out to be a woman, Jackie Overton. Actually, TLC revisited the 2015 scandal, and Leon dissed her.

Kody Brown still simmers about the situation. Meanwhile, TLC fans became aware that Robyn Brown and her friend Kendra Pollard possibly learned before Meri did, that she was being catfished, but failed to tell Kody’s former first wife. Never shy about milking the scandal, the new TLC specials returned to the subject again.
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<h3>Meri Brown’s Ex Husband Goes Off Again</h3>
<p>Meri isn’t buying into the TLC patriarch’s claims that he never loved the other wives. So, she went off at him in a special preview and suggested that he just changes the narrative to fit his current circumstances.<em> Sister Wives</em> fans like to see her stand up for herself for a change. Talking about the catfishing, Kody said:</p><div class='code-block code-block-1' style='margin: 8px 0; clear: both;'>
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Meri has struggled ever since she got catfished, because she ‘was a victim.” She’s not being accountable in her own way for problems or the discussions in that marriage: the discussions that we’ve had.
Next, the preview cut away to when Meri Brown talked with her ex and Robyn under the tree in Season 18 on TLC. In that scene, she said “I don’t know if it’s me or something else. going on.” Kody Brown sat forward and said, “Yes, blame [is the problem.]” And, when she denied that, he said, “Just don’t.”
Alongside her friend, Jenn Sullivan who made her TLC debut, Meri said:
I never blamed him. What did I say in this conversation that I blamed?
Well, Christine Brown and Janelle liked that she wouldn’t play into Kody’s manipulation of how things went down. Christine felt that Kody was trying to get Meri to say “Our marriage is over,” but “she’s not gonna say that.”

Sister Wives Viewers React To Kody Bown
Commenters who watched the preview on Instagram felt that TLC is giving too much time to the TLC patriarch, amongst other things:
- Kody needs to be accountable for Meri not getting her needs met in that relationship.
- What marriage Kody? You had no relationship with her at that time! YOU are to blame bc you left her emotionally STARVED for YEARSSS!!
- KODY, you need to start taking accountability for your roll in all these broken relationships. KODY, you need serious help.
What are your thoughts about Kody Brown going off at Meri Brown again? Do you think that she killed her relationship by falling for the catfish? Or, do you think her ex-husband was done with her long before that? Was he hoping she would finally confirm that their marriage was done? Let us know your thoughts in the comments and come back here for all your Sister Wives news.