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‘Sister Wives’ Fans Love Evie & Avalon’s Special Moment, Clip

Evie K - Avalon sister wives

Sister Wives star Christine Brown has been making headlines since her wedding special with David Woolley. The majority of the Brown family came to her nuptials. Some expressed their happiness for the newlyweds and for how the Brown family got back together during the ceremony. However, there was one scene that caught the hearts of many. Keep reading to see the heartwarming clip.

Sister Wives: The Brown Kids Expressed Their Happiness

Some of the Brown kids shared their thoughts about Christine and David during the wedding special. One of them is Gabriel, who said that he’s happy about how the Brown family is back together. The Sister Wives star also added that he has never seen Christine that happy. He was also commended for his maturity after saying that Kody and Christine tried and gave it a hard go. But things just didn’t work out for them. “I’m reassured that this is right for Christine when I see how happy David makes her,” he added.

Sister Wives Gabriel Savanah
Photo Credit: TLC YouTube

Furthermore, Maddie and Garrison expressed their excitement during the Brown family mosh pit, in which Christine and David’s daughters danced. Kody also said in his interview that he was saddened about not being able to participate in the mosh pit. Though he clarified that he was happy for the newlyweds.

Fans Share Their Favorite Brown Family Moment

Some Redditors also shared their favorite Brown family moment during Christine’s wedding special. According to the poster, the scene of Avalon and Evie dancing and playing together was one of the best moments of the event. Others agreed and talked about how the two just made things better amid the downfall of the Brown family. Some also recalled the beautiful moment when all of the grandchildren walked down the aisle.

  • “The shot of Avalon and Evie playing together was the sweetest thing. The innocence of children makes everything better.”
  • “I loved this moment, too! Was my favorite, in addition to seeing all of their grandchildren walk down the aisle.”
  • “I love that Janelle and Christine were able to sit there and watch their grandchildren play together.”
  • “They just need a porch… Oh, wait! Christine’s man just BUILT her a porch – and a playground for the grandbabies. Robyn’s probably rage-smashing all her Precious Moments figurines.”

Sister Wives: How Are Avalon & Evie Today?

Maddie has been spreading awareness about her daughter Evie’s condition called FATCO syndrome. The Sister Wives star previously described it as a “rare medical syndrome where bones in extremities do not fully develop.” Nevertheless, Evie has been positive in life. The proud mother also added that her daughter is aware of her condition, but it doesn’t stop her from doing what she wants. “She knows she looks a little different, and she is completely confident in it! I hope that it ALWAYS stays that way,” she added.

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Mykelti - Maddie - Evie K - Avalon

Meanwhile, Mykelti likes to share stories about Avalon. The two have been best buddies over the past few weeks. They love to take funny and silly photos together. Recently, Mykelti revealed that her daughter developed a habit of screaming, and it’s been testing her patience. “AKA she’s a toddler and usually I like her but sometimes I want to lay down on the floor with a pillow over my face and scream too,” she added.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/
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