OMG!! Robyn Brown Was Mediator In ‘Sister Wives’ Marriages With Kody?
Fans of TLC’s Sister Wives have always suspected Robyn Brown was the head wife of the family. Likewise, fans have accused her of being the family puppet master. Now, a new preview of the Sister Wives Tell-All seemingly confirms everything fans suspected of Robyn Brown running the show.
The preview featured Robyn, Meri, Janelle, and Christine Brown all discussing their thoughts on Robyn claiming she could “speak Kody” better than anyone else.
Robyn Brown Speaks Kody?
The preview kicked off with Meri Brown talking to the Tell-All host. Meri affirmed that when she needed to talk to Kody about things she would talk to Robyn first. Then, she would meet with Robyn and Kody to tell Kody. Meri Brown claimed it just felt better to pass information this way. Fans, however, suspect Meri did herself a massive disservice doing this. This is because fans assume Robyn likely told Kody BEFORE Meri met with him to tell him anything.

When the preview shifted to Robyn, she affirmed that she does believe she understands Kody better than anyone else. She, however, clarified she thought his other wives certainly had the capacity to understand him. Robyn Brown added Kody was often misunderstood because he said everything he was thinking. He had no filter like most people do when speaking.
Thumbs Down From Christine and Janelle
Christine Brown proceeded to share that Robyn dedicated a lot of time to convincing everyone she spoke Kody. She added that Robyn created this narrative that everyone needed her to help mediate their relationships with Kody. Christine even found herself in a position where she initially got help from Robyn. She, however, had an “ah-ha” moment. Christine said she realized she had known Kody since she was 18. And, she didn’t need Robyn to mediate anything for her.

Surprisingly, it was Janelle Brown who seemed the most upset by the idea of Robyn “speaks Kody.” Janelle pointed out that she was married to Kody and did just fine before Robyn was in the picture. Furthermore, she added that Kody was “a grown a** man” and could speak for himself if he had something to say.

Likewise, Janelle also took issue with Robyn trying to mediate her children’s relationships with Kody. She explained Robyn always tried to insert herself into the relationships between Kody and Janelle’s children. Robyn Brown would always argue she could “speak Kody.” Janelle’s children, however, argued he was their father and they didn’t need Robyn’s help.
Watching the whole preview, it appeared as if Meri was the only one accepting Robyn as the family mediator. Fans suspect this was simply because she was desperate to make Kody happy.

Do you think Robyn Brown putting herself in this position created problems for the family? Share your thoughts in the comments. Furthermore, keep coming back for more Sister Wives news.