OG3 ‘Sister Wives’ Are Being Vindicated By Kody & Robyn
Sister Wives star Kody Brown hated it when asked if Robyn Brown was his favorite wife. While fans could see she clearly was, he usually avoided getting into it. Or, he got angry. Actually, TLC fans grow angry with Sukanya Krishnan because she seems to try and coddle Robyn. However, he seems ready to admit that he favors his fourth wife these days. So, fans think that is what caused the family to break up.
Kody Brown Treated All The Wives Badly Except For Robyn
In Season 18, when the patriarch of the failed family talked about Meri Brown, he was dismissive of her. Then, when the Sister Wives Tell-All spoilers came along, he claimed that she’s “not safe” to be around. At the same time, he claimed that he loved her. Talk about contradictions! For years, he’s been telling her he didn’t love her. Meanwhile, Robyn begged her to stay with the family.

The favorite wife of Kody Brown, Robyn blames all the other wives for the demise of the Sister Wives family. Meanwhile, TLC fans want to rip their ears off when she says that. From their perspective, she’s had it all her own way. So, they think that she never wanted polygamy from the very beginning. The firm favorite of her husband has fans believing she destroyed the family.
Sister Wives Fans Discuss How A Favorite Wife Killed The Unity
On Reddit, an OP felt that with Kody Brown admitting to favoritism, the “rot of favoritism” was at fault. They wrote:
So far in this tell all I feel like the OG3 ladies are being vindicated. Kody is finally admitting that he loved Robyn more than any of them. That favoritism tainted all of their marriages, their covenants, the relationships with the kids, etc… He’s been kowtowing to make Robyn happy at the expense of all others. Even if Robyn doesn’t expressly say, “I want you to do such and such”, he will do things that he feels will make her happy above all others. He wanted everyone else to be satisfied with the crumbs he decided to give them. He’s denied it and tried to make them the whole problem but now he’s finally admitted it. There it is.

In the comments section, TLC fans discussed that possibility.
- I think the most frustrating part of the admission is that it stops there. Like it was the original agreement that love might never happen and it could totally change with the wind. And when it changes, he’s under no obligation to let them know. It’s acceptable to lie to them about it for years while treating them like marginalized Benedict Arnold’s.
- Finally admitting it but at the same time acting like only loving Robyn wasn’t a problem. His head must be full of trampolines so he can jump through those mental hoops.
- Kody and Robyn have been able to use the other wives to do all the heavy lifting and take all the blame for everything that gives a real life challenge to their relationship- but no more. Now we see what time and real demands leave them with.
What are your thoughts about Kody Brown pandering to Robyn Brown’s desires at the expense of the other wives? Do you agree that loving her more than the other wives caused the final collapse of the polygamous family?