
My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore Switches Focus at 40

Whitney Thore from My Big Fat Fabulous Life switches focus at 40. She is entering a new decade in her life and is ready to leave her thirties behind and focus on the positive.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore’s Journey in Her Thirties

Whitney Thore went through a lot during her thirties. She has always wanted to get married, become a mother, and have a child. However, she didn’t have any luck making that happen. She thought her dream was coming true when she met Chase Severino and got engaged. Yet, that didn’t have a happy ending. She found out that he got another girl pregnant while they were planning their wedding.

The My Big Fat Fabulous Life cast member explored other ways of having a baby without being with a man. She thought about having one of her friends be the surrogate and carry her baby. However, that idea didn’t happen either.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore
Whitney Thore | Instagram

After Whitney’s failed engagement with Chase, she did find love again. She met a man on a dating app. However, this man lived in France. So, the distance wasn’t easy to deal with. She and this mystery Frenchman eventually ended their relationship. She then once again found herself single.

Whitney Reflects on Past on 40th Birthday

Whitney recently said goodbye to her thirties and hello to her forties. She turned 40 years ago. The TLC star admits that she is still coming to terms with the fact that she is 40 and life is not quite what she imagined it would be at this age. She is also still trying to wrap her head over what “being 40 means.”

The My Big Fat Fabulous Life reality star fears that she has to be a “real adult” now. She explains that she doesn’t have a husband or children. She also doesn’t have a “signature dip to bring to parties.” It has even been a while since she’s been to a party.

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Whitney adds that she still doesn’t understand the stock market. She also admits that she doesn’t even know how to change a flat tire.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore
My Big Fat Fabulous Life | Instagram

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Celeb Focuses on Positives

Whitney Thore knows that she does have a “wonderful family.” She has an “amazing sister, and a niece and nephews” that she was surprised with late in life. The TLC celeb also has a home and “a few great friends.” She even has the “sweetest furry companions.”

The My Big Fat Fabulous Life castmate has experienced living aboard and traveled all over the world. She also knows she has had the “wildest past ten years with a career in television.”

Whitney wants to enter this new decade in her life by focusing on more of what she does have than what she doesn’t. She wants to focus on what she can still learn rather than what she doesn’t know. She has a lot to be thankful for, and she wants to think about the positive things in her life.

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