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My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Did Whitney Thore Lose More Weight?

Whitney Thore from My Big Fat Fabulous Life reveals if she has lost any more weight. Fans compliment her figure. But she doesn’t feel the compliments are needed.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore Didn’t Lose More Weight

Whitney Thore doesn’t shy away when asked about her health and weight. She is open about her journey and the struggles she has been through over the years. When she has an update to share, she will tell her fans. And, when she hasn’t seen any changes, she doesn’t mention anything.

However, the My Big Fat Fabulous Life cast member has been seeing a lot of messages from fans saying that she looks like she lost a lot of weight. One person says she looks “slimmer” than she did during her trip to Switzerland. Another person thinks it looks like she has lost a lot of weight since her appearance in the latest season.

Many people are wondering how Whitney is losing weight. One person questions if she got weight loss surgery. Another person asks, “What’s your secret?” A person also believes she is getting help to drop the pounds. However, it seems like she doesn’t have a secret and hasn’t lost any weight.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore
TLC’s Whitney Thore | Instagram

Whitney Explains Weight Loss History

Whitney recently clarified any speculation of her having weight loss surgery to drop the pounds. She says she did not get any “medical intervention” to lose weight. She also adds that she has not lost any weight recently.

The My Big Fat Fabulous Life reality star explains that in 2015, during season one of her show, she weighed 385 pounds. In 2018, she had lost 50 pounds. And when her mother got sick and passed away, she lost another 50 pounds.

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Whitney now weighs 285 pounds and has been at that weight for almost a year. She adds that this is the second time she has lost 100 pounds in her life. But losing weight is not a priority for her at the moment.

My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore
My Big Fat Fabulous Life | Instagram

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Celeb Wants Comments to Stop

Whitney Thore feels that she is still “very fat.” She has never been the one to focus on the number on the scale. It has always been about how she feels about herself rather than how much she weighs. Yet, people still feel the need to comment on her body.

However, the My Big Fat Fabulous Life castmate thanks fans for their compliments about her weight. But she doesn’t like obsessing over her body. She also doesn’t like it when other people do it either. So, as much as fans try to be nice, it’s better that they don’t comment about her weight or body.

Whitney finds these comments frustrating because she weighs the same as she did during her trip to Switzerland. Yet she says, “No one was freaking out then.” So, she doesn’t understand why people are bringing it up now. She also doesn’t know why people feel the need to call her “skinny” when she knows she’s not.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/
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