Meri Brown Defends After Her Child Leon Gets Attacked
Sister Wives star Meri Brown went into full mama bear mode after her child, Leon Brown recently got attacked. Yes, the two have had a rough relationship over the years. However, they really became close when Leon found their true self. Plus, Meri loves Leon’s partner, Audrey Kriss so much and they have really mended fences. Now, Meri is firing back at those who have anything but positive things to say about Leon. Read on for more details.
Meri Brown Defends After Her Child Leon Gets Attacked
When Meri Brown had her online affair almost a decade ago, her only biological child, Leon struggled with this immensely. They could not understand how their mother could do this thus the relationship suffered a lot. It took some time to rebuild and then Leon came out and revealed their true self. They needed support from their family and Meri was open to giving that. Through this and meeting Leon’s partner, Audrey Kriss, a new bond was formed. It grew even stronger when the pandemic hit and Meri was desperate to save Audrey and Leon from the big city.

Meri Brown needed someone to run her B&B in Utah as it was not safe for her mother, Bonnie’s health. Leon and Audrey went down and took over, which was extremely supportive of them. Over the past few years, they lost Grandma Bonnie but Meri and Leon have spent time honoring her. Now, they have come together again for Gwendlyn Brown’s wedding, keeping some of the fractured plural family intact. Fortunately, Gwen, Leon, and Audrey have a great bond yet not all fans support Leon who is transgender.

According to Reddit, someone apparently came on Meri Brown’s Instagram page and posted negative comments about Leon. To that, Meri shared she would not be tolerating anything of the sort at all. Redditors were really pleased with Meri and her handling of it. “meri absolutely gives me mama bear vibes and i honestly love it. i also think the kids as they’ve grown up now likely have an easier time seeing an ally (not just the LGBT ally lol) in her,” one wrote.
Go Off, Meri
Another Redditor had this to say: “Honestly I feel like Meri has done a lot of learning and growing, and I feel that she has been treated unfairly in the past. I’m kind of a Meri fan.” It seems like both Christine and Meri Brown received many hateful comments on their social media pages for their children’s lifestyles. Fans were shocked that they did not turn the comments off at some point. Maybe they just wanted to show that they were not going to let the hate get to them. However, Meri was definitely going to let followers know their negative opinions were not welcome.
Are you proud of Meri for standing up so strongly for Leon? Is this the new Meri Brown? Let us know and watch Sister Wives premiering August 20th on TLC.