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‘MBFFL’ Whitney Way Thore Is Financially Set For Life?

Whitney Way Thore from My Big Fat Fabulous Life, Sourced from YouTube

A few years ago, Whitney Way Thore dumped Ryan Andreas and brought in Jessica Powell for NoBSactive. This week, in a discussion about Jessica, chatter turned to what will happen if TLC cancels My Big Fat Fabulous Life. Is Whitney financially secure enough to be set for life? Read on to find out what fans think.

MBFFL Whitney Way Thore Revived Her Business With Jessica

The once-defunct website for NoBSactive eventually became functional again, and a lot of people raved about the program. Back then, the two women seemed to be solid friends. However, MBFFL fans wonder if it still is that way. After all, it seems that Heather Sykes and other friends might be on the outs with her.

MBFFL - Whitney Thore's Friend Jessica On TLC - YouTube
MBFFL – Whitney Thore’s Friend Jessica On TLC – YouTube

My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans think that Whitney Way Thore isn’t nice to her friends, so she loses them. However, they feel that if Jessica wants to leave the business partnership, she’ll do just fine. After all, the demand for professional fitness trainers seems high. Nonetheless, they do wonder if Glenn’s daughter will be as fortunate and be set for life if TLC dumps the show.

Is The TLC Star Set For Life?

On the weekend, an OP on Reddit started a thread about Jessica, the MBFFL star’s business partner. Titled “Jessica trapped in a business with Whitney,” the post rambled on about how Jessica does the lion’s share of the work, and Jessica should probably just get out of it. It also noted that “going into business with a friend is not easy...” But one sentence turned the conversation into a discussion about Whitney’s finances.

I guess there is a good side to this since Whitney is essentially set for life she can break Jessica off a piece from time to time…


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Jessica and Whitney Way Thore Discussion - Reddit
Jessica and Whitney Way Thore Discussion – Reddit

In the comments section, some people feel that Whitney Way Thore will struggle without her TLC income when the show ends. Meanwhile, other My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans felt that she probably made some good investments, and if she stays in Greensboro, she’ll be just fine.

Will Whitney Way Thore Go Broke If MBFFL Ends? Fans Discuss

  • I doubt Whitney is set for life because TLC isn’t generous, and her show is in its last legs as they’ve milked so much that their storylines are running dry and that’s why they’re focused on extended/unknown family. She doesn’t seem future-oriented or disciplined enough to save for life after the show as she’s shown time and time again with her lack of impulse control.
  • I guess “set for life” can mean vastly different things, but between her parents and herself, she shouldn’t ever have to worry about money.
  • Cost of living seems low in Greensboro, plus she bought her house at a decent time. She also has a practical car. I live on the west coast, so my CoL skews my view a little… but $80k in a small town in NC may be enough to live a rather cushy life.
  • . I drive by her house almost daily. It’s nice, but nothing glamorous. Greensboro is a really affordable place to live, so she should be able to maintain this lifestyle.

What are your thoughts? Do you agree that even if the TLC show ends, then Whitney Way Thore might have a good lifestyle in Greensboro? Or, do you think her compulsive personality might cause her to blow her money? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your My Big Fat Fabulous Life news.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/
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