‘MBFFL’ Lennie Alehat Criminal Past Revealed
Lennie Alehat came and went on My Big Fat Fabulous Life for years, but some TLC fans had no idea that he had a sordid past, but he turned his life around. Whether that’s thanks to his sometimes too-intimate friendship with his boss, Whitney Way Thore, or not, isn’t clear. Whichever way he did it, fans cheer for him. For once, a good news story arrives from MBFFL.
MBFFL Lennie Alehat Could Have Married Whitney Way Thore
If Whitney and her boyfriend hadn’t broken up, TLC fans might not have had to sit through years of watching her hunt for a man. At one stage, she thought she fell pregnant even though the chances of that were slim. Well, she didn’t have a baby and her boyfriend cheated on her. However, she still seems to be very affectionate towards her friend. Mind you, given his sordid past, some people, wonder how she ended up in his circle in the first place.

Lennie Alehat is not his real name. Did you know That? According to a seven-year-old report by Radar Online, his real name is Nathaniel David Lee. If you take all the letters from his name and rearrange them, you end up with his alias which he is known by on My Big Fat Fabulous Life. How candid was he with Whitney about his name and his past? Perhaps TLC fans will never know for sure.
My Big Fat Fabulous Life Fans Cheer
Reddit is a scathing platform and it’s not often people cheer for TLC stars there. However, they did just that after the link to the original article was shared this week. Actually, what started out as a bit of a snark post ended up being a good news post! The OP wrote:
Today I learned about Lennie’s aka Nathaniel’s sordid criminal past
Lennie, aka Nathaniel, has a criminal past almost worst then (sic) buddy. How did he get Lennie from Nathaniel? DUI, domestic violence and spitting on cops. Why is he on the show ?
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Lennie Alehat found a lot of defenders in the comments, but let’s take a quick look at what the TLC star did. In summary, the outlet reported Lennie’s sordid history:
…an arrest for a DWI in 2008. He began attacking cops…”did resist, delay or obstruct a public officer… fighting back while being placed in hand cuffs… refused to stop spitting on police equipment….Not only did Thore’s ex have a DWI in his past, he later violated probation on that charge.
More followed and it turned out that the My Big Fat Fabulous Life support character “… threatened two individuals back in July 2016.”
TLC Fans Support For Lennie Alehat
In the comments, people felt that the OP dragged up an old story unnecessarily:
- The most recent arrest was 13 years ago and the dui was 15 years ago. Sounds like he hit a rough patch in life but then got better.
- I mean, he is sober and in recovery now. A lot of people do terrible things while in active addiction, that they wouldn’t do sober.
- He obviously had issues with alcohol, hasn’t he been sober for awhile now? Good for him.
- I think it is unfair to judge him for this especially considering he is sober now.
- I mean 13 years ago. Can the past stay in the past.
What are your thoughts about MBFFL fans cheering for Lennie Alehat for changing his life around? Are you happy to hear a good news story for a change? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your My Big Fat Fabulous Life news.