Kody Brown Trips Himself Up With More Christine Lies?

Kody Brown claimed that he only ever loved Robyn Brown, and Christine was the one who wanted to marry him. However, Sister Wives fans begin to think he lies so much that he trips himself up with his contradictions. A lot emerged in Season 10 and in the Talk Back specials on TLC and it’s not making the patriarch of the family look any better to viewers.
Kody Brown Trips Up Over Contradictory Statements
TLC fans believe that Kody courted Meri Brown because he loved her. Then, he spiritually married Janelle, possibly because he knew her, she was part of his extended family and shared the same faith. Christine, of course, was like royalty in the polygamist community, which was why he chose her. And then, he married Robyn who connived her way into his family to become the queen bee.
Well, no matter what happened with Kody Brown and Robyn, TLC fans do know one thing: he changes his story all the time. He said in Season 10 that he didn’t know what to do with Meri who wouldn’t leave. But then, during the show, fans discovered that they split years ago and he wanted her to lie by omission and not make a public admission.
Christine Brown Contradictions
Despite claiming that he never loved Christine, the now-monogamous TLC star still found the time to impregnate her at least seven times. Bear in mind she did have a miscarriage. But, he wailed about being a prisoner in his marriage to her and used the “B-word” to describe her. In the Talk Back special, Sister Wives fans found something to talk about when he mentioned he and Meri courting another younger woman.
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Kody Brown claimed that he didn’t marry the woman because Christine refused, and said she wouldn’t marry him if he took up with the newcomer. That perplexes fans because if he didn’t love her he could have told his future third wife to go kick rocks. Why did he put a kibosh on a fourth young wife that Christine didn’t like whom he claimed he loved? if she was on the bottom of the totem pole why did she have so much power?
Sister Wives Fans Discuss Kody Brown’s Lies
On Reddit, an OP wrote about watching the Talk Back specials for Sister Wives, and in part, they opined:
[He] just had a lot of baby mamas and serious relationships where his partners support his wandering eye [and] ego.
In the discussion that followed, TLC fans spoke about Christine Brown a lot.
- Um, then he said Christine said ‘if you marry her, I won’t marry you’. So he CHOSE Christine. Then didn’t court Christine for over a year. Courted and married Janelle instead. Kody tells the most implausible lies.
- But remember, he didn’t have a choice! He felt forced and she pushed her way in.
- I don’t know how you are going to lay up with a woman have 6 kids with her and then talk about [how] you don’t love her Kody full of 💩.
- In Christines words: I don’t think he realizes that he just keeps digging a bigger hole for himself with these stupid things he just keeps on saying. It’s like he’s playing a game of: how can i make myself look like an asshole as much as possible.

What are your thoughts about all the contradictory things that Kody Brown said about Christine? Do you agree that it seems very odd that he claimed he didn’t love her, and yet he gave her so much power over his decisions? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your Sister Wives news.