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Has Robyn Been Secretly Manipulating Meri Brown All Along?

Robyn and Meri Brown - Sister Wives

Now that Sister Wives is showing the aftermath of Meri, Janelle, and Christine Brown leaving, there are some telling signs that Robyn Brown was pulling the strings. Many people think that Robyn kept Meri close so she could mastermind a bigger plan. Was Meri “Bestie,” Robyn, playing her the whole time by secretly manipulating and plotting against her?

Robyn And Meri Brown Became Very Close

Sister Wives shows that at times in the Brown family, it was sometimes difficult for the sister wives to get along. However, Robyn and Meri Brown were often together. Furthermore, Meri even confided in Robyn on many occasions. Even until the very end of Kody and Meri’s marriage, Robyn was certain they could figure out a way to make it work. Moreso, at the beginning of Season 19, she still believed that Meri would want to live on Coyote Pass because they were so close for so long. However, when the Tell Alls showed that Robyn was involved in the catfishing incident, many fans questioned what was real about their relationship.

Robyn and Meri Brown - Sister Wives
Robyn and Meri Brown – Sister Wives

Was Meri Brown’s ‘Bestie’ Robyn Secretly Manipulating Her?

Undeniably, some fans think Robyn Brown is the kind of friend who keeps people close just to repress them. On Reddit, Sister WIves fans were discussing how Robyn Brown doesn’t seem to have Meri Brown’s best interest at heart. Many people gave examples of how Robyn was manipulating her marriage collapse.

  • One user starts by saying, “Imo Robyn single handedly caused Meris downfall.” After which they explain, “Currently discussing old seasons with my husband and realizing how many times she was THAT BFF that secretly hates/ harms you and manipulates you to stay in abusive situations.” Then, they invite others to give examples they have seen as well.
  • Someone else agrees, “Yeah. Robyn is evil. That whole act of being Meris friend was a lame and cruel way for Robyn to have a storyline. She didn’t fool me for one minute. Meri, pathetically thought Robyn would help her get closer to Kody. Meri isn’t dumb anymore and I’m glad.”
  • “Meri chose the wrong person to join forces with.”
Meri Brown, Robyn Brown, and Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced from YouTube
Meri, Robyn, and Kody Brown – Sister Wives

Fans Can Think Of Many Reasons Robyn Was A Backstabbing Friend

During the discussion, it was easy for Sister Wives fans to think of ways that Robyn manipulated Meri Brown and her relationships. Some remember that Robyn didn’t want Meri to return to college to further her career because she needed her with her children. However, any time that Meri wanted to have Robyn’s kids she was opposed.

  • “She didn’t want want her making friends outside the family.”
  • “The aggravating part is that Robyn asks for all this loyalty and attention, and shift of focus to only her, and then when Meri obliges, she completely ignores her. It’s like Robyn wants Meri as a standby best friend that poses no threat to her relationship with Kody and exists solely to provide emotional and financial support during the bad times, but otherwise leaves her locked up in the attic, literally (above the garage), until she’s in crisis and needs her again.”
  • “And I think this is how the whole catfish situation came to be in the first place. Quickest way to take Meri out of the equation and put herself as top wife.”
  • “The doc on PopPsych said it’s like Robyn wants Meri as her emotional support animal. It’s harsh phrasing…but not inaccurate.”
Robyn didn't want her to return to school. - Sister Wives - Reddit
Robyn didn’t want Meri Brown to return to school. – Sister Wives – Reddit

Meri Brown Was Nearly Ruined By The Catfishing Incident

Some fans bring up the catfishing and how badly it damaged Kody and Meri Brown’s relationship. Since Robyn was involved, it makes fans cringe.

  • “The fact R friend Kendra had something to do with the Catfish was huge that R was apart of that.”
  • “Robyn set up the catfish and fed her information.”
Robyn's friend was involved in the catfishing. - Sister Wives - Reddit
Robyn’s friend was involved in Meri Brown’s catfishing. – Sister Wives – Reddit

And The List Goes On…

Undoubtedly, Sister Wives fans were able to think of so many reasons Robyn was betraying Meri Brown, they could list them all day. Parading the personal topic of surrogacy was one example, legal divorce, and keeping many rules were all on the list. But people believe the friendship was a tactic and not genuine.

  • “Let’s not forget the legal divorce. I know in theory it was so Kody could adopt the kids, but let’s be honest. Robyn was the driving factor there.”
  • “This was absolutely the catalyst to the downfall. When they show Meri when she was signing the papers, she looks devastated. The catfishing happened shortly thereafter. As an outsider looking in, it seems like she already felt abandoned at that point and was seeking comfort elsewhere. And then all of that blew up in her face and, supposedly, a friend of Robyn’s was behind it (take that with a grain of salt, I’ve only seen that discussed in this sub).”
  • “She took over Meri’s traditional cooking of the Thanksgiving turkey and she can’t even cook. She wouldn’t let Meri visit during covid even though kody was the one asking.”


What do you think? Did Robyn Brown work behind the scenes to knock Meri Brown down? Do you think Robyn was a good friend to Meri? Are you liking this season of Sister Wives? Tell us what you think in the comments.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/
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