‘GH’ Why Fans Are Torn Over Drew & Willow’s ‘Sick’ Love Story

In recent months, fans have seen sparks fly between Drew and Willow on General Hospital. At one point, one of the series’ cast members suggested the two could one day be a famous soap supercouple. However, fans have taken to social media to share their real feelings about the relationship.
General Hospital‘s Drew & Willow’s Affair Came To Light At A Recent Christmas Party
General Hospital fans of the soap have seen an attraction blossom between Drew and Willow, despite the latter’s marriage to the former’s nephew, Michael Corinthos. An attraction developed between the two back in 2024.
Drew and Willow’s affair ultimately came to light at a recent Christmas party. Following this, Willow agreed to attend Drew’s congressional swearing-in ceremony, going to D.C. with him.

As previously reported, Drew’s actor, Cameron Mathison, shared that he suspected fans would one day value Drew and Willow as a couple. At the time, he suggested the two would one day to comparable to famous soap opera supercouples. However, some fans recently took to social media to share that the couple has been rubbing them the wrong way.
In one post on Reddit, titled, “Willow and Drew’s Sickening Love Story,” one General Hospital fan shared, “I can hardly stomach the scenes with Willow and Drew. I’ve never had so much hatred for characters before. Kudos to the actors and writers on this storyline.”
Some fans shared similar sentiments in the comments. For those who disliked the couple, there was some debate on whether Drew or Willow was to blame. As one fan noted, for example, “Actually, I am more upset with Willow than Drew.”
Even General Hospital Fans Who Forgave The Adultery Aspect Admitted They Still Disliked The Couple
“Drew has always been damaged because of his childhood and his reprogramming as Jason. Willow is just an ungrateful, loose, immoral, social climber.”
“She is not far removed from her twin. She has no class. Who flaunts an adulterous relationship while still married? Both of these characters have been ruined.”
Some General Hospital fans even suggested ways to make the couple work. As one fan mused, “At this point the only redemption for Drew is he isn’t really Drew or death. At this point he’s Peter August all over again.”
For many fans, the main issue between the couple was the adultery aspect. However, even fans who admitted they got over that part of their love story still disliked the couple.
That said, there were still some fans who admitted they like the pairing. Some of these comments included:
- “It’s never been so hard for me to watch ever. I got over all the other cheating pretty quickly but this couple I just can’t get over. He could be her dad!”
- “Willows going to deserve losing her kids and you know she will eventually.”
- “At first it was slightly tolerable, then I really started to dislike it strongly. Truthfully, I don’t really feel/see any chemistry between them, just a hero worshipping/narcissistic abuse situation. At this point, I would be totally okay with them riding off into the sunset together lol”
- “I like it. Hear me out, I’m not rooting for them, but I love the drama Drew creates and I think this storyline with Willow is so interesting. And in character when you think about Willow’s early life and time in the cult”
- “I was hoping today that they were setting up a ‘Who killed Drew?’ story.”
Have you been following Drew and Willow’s story on General Hospital? What do you think of the couple? Make sure you come back to TV Shows Ace for all the latest TV and celebrity news.