General Hospital Shocker: Sidwell’s Revenge Puts Jason’s Son Danny in Danger!
Well well, stranger danger alert Port Charles! General Hospital Spoilers reveal that vengeful Jez Sidwell has arrived in town and has already snatched his first victim. We know that Holly, Jason, Anna, and Lucky contributed to destroying his compound. But Holly made matters all the worse by swiping his diamonds!
Sadly, it seems Holly Sutton’s daughter, Sasha Gilmore, has been chosen to pay for her mother’s choices. General Hospital Spoilers confirm that Sidwell and his men kidnapped Sasha from the Quartermaine Mansion, right in front of Carly. Who swiftly raced to Jack Brennan asking for his help in rescuing Sasha.

However, we can safely assume that Sasha’s kidnapping is just the beginning of Sidwell’s revenge plan. Well, Jason was the last person to handle Sidwell’s diamonds. Thus, it is quite possible that the man has set his eyes on Jason’s son, Danny Morgan, to use him as leverage against his father.
Sidwell already has Sasha, so we could see him going after Danny in the upcoming episodes. In fact, there is even a possibility that Danny has been taken by Sidwell off-screen. The criminal might just be waiting for the right time to drop that bombshell. Jason could join Brennan in his search for Sasha, and that’s when Sidwell uses Danny as leverage to make Jason back off.

GH spoilers tease that Jason will be making a deal with someone in the upcoming episodes. could that someone be Sidwell? Perhaps, Jason will try to reach an agreement on the terms of release for Sasha and Danny. But will Jenz Sidwell let things slide so easily? Or could there be a bigger plan waiting behind this one? Could Sidwell be trying to lure Sasha and Jason into a death trap using their children as bait?