Financial Crisis Unveiled: ‘Sister Wives’ Kody Brown’s Struggles with Money- Will He Lose His Land?

In a recent episode of Sister Wives, Kody Brown surprised fans by revealing that he was selling three of his beloved cars. This revelation has sparked speculation among TLC viewers about the reasons behind this decision. Is it because his wives Christine, Janelle, and Meri Brown no longer contribute financially? Interestingly, their lifestyles seem to be improving while Kody’s appears to be declining. Let’s delve into what fans are saying about this.

Rumors about Kody’s financial struggles have been circulating for years, despite his reported net worth of around $1 million in 2021. However, a significant portion of his wealth is tied up in property, causing cash liquidity issues. Now that his friend Brian, who happens to own a car dealership, is taking over the cars, theories abound. Some TLC fans suspect that Kody and Brian might be collaborating to buy and sell cars for profit.

Could Kody be attempting to hide some assets? Or is he simply selling the cars because a monogamous couple doesn’t need multiple vehicles? One prevalent theory suggests that Kody wants to focus on developing Coyote Pass, the family’s land. It’s worth noting that he has faced significant expenses related to unpaid land taxes, which can quickly drain funds. In June, Kody, Janelle, and Robyn’s portion of the land was finally paid off, with Janelle advocating for its development.


On Reddit, another theory emerged, suggesting that the departures of Meri, Janelle, and Christine have left Kody struggling financially. Most of the adult children are financially independent, so why should the ex-wives contribute to supporting Robyn’s children? Meri has been successful with her LuLaRoe business, while Janelle and Christine seem to do well with their Plexus ventures. However, it’s widely believed that Robyn doesn’t generate any income.

One Reddit user noted, “…I think it’s very convenient that once all the people who are making money leave Kody, Kody decides it’s time for his cars to go.” In response, another commenter observed that the departing wives seem to experience a significant improvement in their quality of life. Janelle moved into a luxurious 1200 sq ft apartment, Meri started renovating a bed and breakfast while establishing a high-end boutique, and Christine embarked on international travels with her children, no longer burdened by saving money for vacations. It appears that leaving Kody has allowed the wives to thrive, while Kody himself is downsizing.

In conclusion, the decision to sell his cars might indicate that Kody is feeling the financial strain now that his wives are financially independent. While the wives seem to be enjoying their newfound freedom from financially supporting their ex-husband’s family, Kody may be grappling with the consequences of their departure

Kody Brown’s SHOCKING FINANCIAL STRUGGLES: Will He Lose His Land & Face Fan Backlash?


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