Fans Clear Up Confusion On Garrison Brown’s Official First Name

Garrison Brown was always referred to by this name throughout the Sister Wives seasons. Some TLC fans were surprised to find out that he also went by the name of Robert. Tributes after the death of Janelle’s son that mentioned Robert astonished those who were not aware that he often preferred to use that name.
Garrison Brown Used The Name Of Robert On Social Media
The first inkling for many people that Robert was the same person as Janelle’s son, Garrison, arrived via social media. Way back in 2015, he started his account on Instagram and used the handle of @robertthebrown. In his bio, he didn’t use Garrison at all and instead, wrote, “Robert Brown.” He wasn’t a prolific poster at the time, so only a few friends would comment. It took nearly a year before he shared a photo of members of his family.

When Garrison Brown passed away, a lot of media outlets used his full name. The Nevada National Guard did as well in their tribute to the Sister Wives star. They referred to him as Staff Sgt Robert Garrison Brown. His official first name listed on his birth certificate was Robert. Why didn’t his family use that name on the TLC show?
Why Not Use Robert?
On Reddit, an OP who follows the Sister Wives show asked:
If he preferred Robert…Why has he always been “Garrison”? I’ve seen several articles lately mentioning that Garrison preferred Robert (his actual first name). Was there a reason no one referred to him by his given name

Fortunately, some TLC fans have very good memories and were able to recall some moments from the show. In the comments, someone wrote. “Janelle…said that they always called him Garrison. (Janelle’s late father was named Robert so perhaps it was always meant as just a tribute.) but when he started school the teachers called him by his first name and he never corrected them. so his friends came to know him as Robert even though his family continued to call him Garrison.”
TLC Fans Comment On The Two Names
In the comments, some people understood why the family dropped Robert off the name of Garrison Brown:
- That’s common in the culture I married into, we call it a house name when it’s a name only family uses.
- It’s common in my husband’s family. When I met him, it was through his family so I even call him by his middle name.
- My uncle does this! We have always called him by his middle name. He prefers his actual first name and uses it with everyone outside the family.
Do you have a house name that you only use at home? Shout out in the comments below, and come back here for all your Sister Wives news.