Comings and Goings: Kin Shriner LEAVING For Real?

The GH fanbase felt a shockwave when the ABC soap vet posted a message that sounded like a goodbye, recall General Hospital Comings and Goings. On May 8, 2024, Actor Kin Shriner took to his official Instagram account to share a montage of many of his throwback pictures as Scotty Baldwin.
But that’s not what caused the ruckus. The real ammunition was the message in the caption. “I started out confused and still confused where is Scotty Baldwin well had a great ride for dam sure,” Kin wrote. That does sound a lot like goodbye, no? But here’s the twist! General Hospital Comings and Goings suggest that it could just be “that time of the year.”
For the past couple of years. Kin Shriner has been pulling off a notorious gag on the GH fans by stating that he is leaving the soap. However, of course that never happens. Instead, he just follows it up with a witty after thought that quashes the exit speculation.
Also Read: A GH Legend Is Back!

General Hospital Comings and Goings reveal that this year too, matters are no different. Staying true to his annual wolf cry style, the GH vet took to his X account on May 11, 2024, to add a follow up on his previous post.
“Where is Scotty Baldwin is what I get asked daily and I say I am still there I am shooting next week,” Kin stated. Thus, affirming that he is very much still on the soap and not leaving anytime soon. Perhaps, his upcoming screentime will be part of the Brook Lynn- Chase wedding sequences, point General Hospital Comings and Goings.
But whatever the case maybe, we are happy that Scotty is still going to be on GH. We have seen him on the soap for so long, and are just not ready to see him leave. What about you? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily for more General Hospital Comings and Goings.