Christine Brown Compared To ‘Over The Top’ Daughter, Mykelti

Undoubtedly, Sister Wives is showcasing how Christine Brown Woolley’s life is drastically different from her plural marriage. While many people have been proud of Christine for choosing to leave Kody, now she seems to be wearing some fans out. She is being compared to her seemingly, “over the top” daughter, Mykelti Brown Padron.
Christine Brown Woolley Is ‘Excited And Just Can’t Hide It’
Throughout Sister Wives Season 19, Christine Brown Woolley has been elated to move on to her new beau, David Woolley. Although fans got to see their gorgeous wedding special at the end of Season 18, now TLC is backtracking to show the dating game.
Fans are seeing the ins and outs of dating, engagement, and wedding planning. They’ve moved in together and started intermingling their families. But for some people, Christine overhyped her fast-track love life. Some fans think they see where Mykelti Brown Padron gets her “over-the-top” nature.

Christine Brown Compared To ‘Over The Top’ Daughter, Mykelti
On Reddit, Sister Wives fans discuss how Christine Brown Woolley’s actions in Season 19 are a bit much. First, a user says, “I’m so tired.” Then, they discuss how Christine has been laying it on thick about her blissful union with David Woolley.
With all the passing episodes, some fans are getting sick and tired of seeing the curated happiness that unfolds before them. From sex talk to excessive PDA, fans are getting weary.

- One fan says, “Oh I don’t think there’s one person here or anywhere except Kody and Robyn want nothing but good for Christine and David! It’s the over-the-top Mykelty-type acting is what everyone is talking about! But I think it’s talking to the camera they are being for TV! I’m sure everyone is super happy especially when this is her real first marriage she’s like a school girl and I think I understand that! When people knocameras’s are rolling you either act more excited or the opposite of being shy for the cameras! Christine has always had that Mykelti style that’s where she gets it from her momma!! But it comes across as being over the top when it could be her real actions because I know I have that same genetic disposition myself but I also can be shy in front of people I don’t know!”

Christine Brown Woolley’s Performance Is Too Much
After the initial post on Reddit, several fans discuss how Christine Brown Woolley’s joy is less contagious but instead draining.
- Another Redditor says, “This season is to make everyone dislike Christine because she is downright selfish in this process. Her kids are last on her mind. It makes it more interesting when we dislike or are frustrated with the wives. We saw Christine’s wedding – we don’t care about their planning. Now we get to feel sorry for Meri AGAIN because she can’t let Kody go. I stopped watching.”
- “I agree with everything you say. She’s overdoing it to show everyone how happy she is now. When David was meeting Cody for the first time the way she hung onto him putting her head on his shoulder said it all.”
- Someone compares the dramatics, “It’s kinda funny Christine is the everything is fine, over the top haha, and Robyn is the over the top sadness crying and everything is never fine here.”

Same Ol’ Same
While some Sister Wives fans are blasting Christine Brown Woolley for her dramatics over her fairytale wedding, others think she has always exaggerated life. When Paedon Brown talked about hearing the news of their proposal, they all knew Christine needed a big reaction. Likewise, oftentimes, Mykelti Brown Padron says things to get a rise out of people.
- “I’m rewatching Sister Wives and tbh Christine has always been VERY theatrical and over the top. It’s like she’s constantly acting but it’s bad acting. I can’t tell if this is who she really is or if she’s constantly being dramatic. Either way, it’s very annoying lol I’ve questioned why it annoys me so much because I feel guilty for feeling that way about her and I think it’s because it feels inauthentic. And I think people generally crave authenticity. But maybe that IS her being authentic I really don’t know but she truly seems like she’s acting on stage or just being way way over the top dramatic. All. The. Time.”
Leave Them To Their Happiness
But some Sister Wives fans are still loving the new connection that Christine Brown Woolley has with David Woolley. Since she was unhappy in the plural marriage for years, it is refreshing to see her light up.
- “They’re actually my favorite part of the show now, I love watching them but could definitely do without Kody and Sobyn’s ‘look how happy we are’ depressive a** relationship, and Meri having the same conversations with her friends every week”
- Someone else questions, “Why are people having such an issue with how happy she is? It is crying and I hate how lovely they are cause I haven’t seen her in this type of relationship. But why hate? She deserves to have this.”
- “She does deserve it, I agree 100%- it’s more that I wish they would just move the storyline along and stop having every episode be the exact same subjects.”
What do you think about Christine Brown Woolley’s theatrical presentation of love? Do you think she is being “over the top”? Do you think she is simply love-struck and can’t hide it? Are you ready for new episodes of Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.