Breanna & Savanah Brown Share Heartbreaking News That Leaves Fans Stunned
‘Sister Wives’ Breanna & Savanah Brown Pic Have Fans Sad
Sister Wives stars, Breanna and Savanah Brown were both affected by Kody, Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn Brown’s actions within the family. Although they had a relationship, COVID-19 exposed cracks in all of the family’s connections. As Breanna and Savanah spend time together, fans are saddened after seeing the photos.
Breanna And Savanah Brown’s Relationship Was A Casualty Of The Family Civil War
Unfortunately, Kody Brown’s actions have deeply affected his family. Multiple times he points out how the family is in a civil war. At one point, Breanna Brown mentioned her relationship with Savanah Brown specifically.
She said, “Me and Savanah, you know, we’re decent to each other.” Admittedly, she added, “It wasn’t, like, super great, and [we weren’t] close because during COVID, people had different opinions about the rules.”
Then, she added, “We just didn’t know what to do with each other, so we kind of kept our distance.” It brought Breanna to tears talking about the strain from the family conflict.

Likewise, Savanah Brown told Christine in Season 18, “I run into her every day after our study hall.” Sadly, Savanah said, “No, I don’t talk to her. We just kind of ignore each other [in school].” Furthermore, Savanah opened up about having a difficult time connecting with siblings who were around her age.
Additionally, she shared, “A lot of them, the relationships change as I get older. But Robyn’s kids, it’s always been … not as close as your kids were,” referring to her connection with Christine’s kids. Correspondingly, her thoughts echoed those of her other siblings discussing the break in their relationships.

Breanna & Savanah Brown Pic Have Fans Sad
On Reddit, Sister Wives fans discuss how Kody Brown posted photos with Breanna and Savanah Brown. First, a user says, “Savanah and Breanna.” Then, they added, “This is sweet but it also makes me sad bc Savanah and Breanna may have been close at one point 😕.”
Furthermore, the user added two tweets from Kody’s Twitter account in 2019. He tweeted, “With two daughters at the movies.” Then, jokingly he added, “I’m not included in the conversation. #thirdwheeldad #leftout #gladmykidsarefriends.” Showing his early FOMO tendencies.

In a follow-up tweet, the Redditor shows Kody adding, “I told them what I tweeted. ‘We’re not leaving you out dad!‘ #thirdwheeldad.” However, the tides have turned.
- One commenter confirms, “I agree makes me sad but it does look genuine. This was right before sh*t [hit] the fan. Poor Savannah. She’s been completely left behind by her dad.”
- Another Redditor adds, “The kids might have appeared close, but I bet Robyn always told her kids they were the outcasts and not accepted.”
- Someone else notes, “Wow….look at Savanah out there not accepting Breanna, just talking her ear off.”
- “I was really confused, it didn’t make sense Kody and Robyn would allow them to be friends, or that Kody would even have a relationship with Breanna. Kody is such an insecure male, I can’t believe he was jealous and feeling left out his two teenager daughters were having a conversation that didn’t include him. He had to make them feel guilty by telling them what he tweeted. Such a narcissist!”

More Fans Express How Sad It Is To See Them Ripped Apart
After the initial poster brought up Kody Brown’s tweet showing how close Breanna and Savanah were at one point, it made many fans sad.
- Someone commented, “Oh man I thought ‘Wow how nice Breanna and Savanna are talking again!’ But then I saw it’s from 2019 😣.”
- Another person added, “This is before the covid meltdown. Just shows how one year could make such a difference. His COVID paranoia (and Robyn’s manipulations) really did rip the family apart. It’s nice to see Savannah and Briana getting along, she was one of the ones who said she’d like to see Robyn’s kids again. And there’s Robyn saying that the OG13 never accepted her kids. Such a liar.”

- Then, the original poster adds, “This! That’s why I find it sad. The kids were close. Compare this to the way Savanah and Breanna talked about how they didn’t interact even though they went to the same school sad 😕.”
- Someone else can’t believe where the Browns are now. They said, “It’s so sad now, how the hell did he let all this happen.”
- “Creepy tweet. He only posted that to make a couple of points 1) See I’m a good Dad out on date night with my daughters. False, you’re not. 2) Poor me, they aren’t even talking to me. Victim. And 3) Look everyone, they are friends. Despite the latest narrative that they were never accepted.”
What do you think about revisiting Kody Brown’s tweets from when Breanna and Savanah Brown were friends? Does it make you sad knowing how the family rift changed things for them? Are you ready to see more episodes of Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.