Biggest Lie !! Aurora Drops Shocking News | Kody’s Biggest Lie For His Gain

Lately, on “Sister Wives,” Kody Brown and Robyn Brown appear to be taking a different approach when it comes to the women who left the TLC series. In the current Season 18, Robyn is seen on camera expressing her hope that Janelle Brown can mend her relationship with Kody. However, her involvement doesn’t end there.

 Sister Wives’ Kody Gets Melodramatic Over Robyn Favoritism (What’s Wrong With Him?)

Sister Wives Kody Brown has been more over-dramatic than ever throughout the most recent season of the series, making it clear that he doesn’t have much control over his emotions. As one of the most exciting reality TV series on right now, Sister Wives season 18 has been showcasing the difficult lives of the Brown family as Kody’s marriages to his wives begin to crumble. Kody, who’s been married to Meri Brown, Janelle Brown, and Christine Brown since the early 90s, met his fourth wife Robyn Brown in 2010. The pair have been the most romantic of Kody’s relationships and it’s clear that he favors Robyn over his other wives, though he vehemently denies it.

All throughout Sister Wives season 18, Kody has been acting out about his split from Christine as well as his relationship with Janelle. After Christine left Kody in 2021, he had a difficult time moving past the betrayal he felt and let it seep into his other relationships. During a recent episode of Sister Wives season 18, Kody fought with Janelle and the pair got to a point of no return, both feeling like their marriage was ending. While Kody’s been open about his feelings to his wives to an extent, the fact that he’s having such a difficult time separating his relationships is becoming a huge detriment to his emotional well-being as well as his wives.

Kody Brown Knows The Truth

Montage of Sister WIves' Kody Brown, with his hands over his mouth

Kody’s been aware of his relationship drama for ages, but pretends to be shocked when his wives realize favors one over the others. While Robyn has been in the family for the least amount of time, it’s become abundantly clear throughout the years that Kody’s connections with Robyn is vastly different than what he shares with his other wives. For Kody, his marriage to Robyn was less about adding in another wife to the Brown family and more about genuine feelings. Kody married Robyn legally after divorcing Meri so he could adopt her children, changing the dynamics of his family irrevocably. From the moment he chose to put her above the rest of his marriages, it was clear Robyn was at the top of his list.

While Kody’s favoritism of Robyn has never been a secret, Kody acts as though it’s not real. He’s aware that he’s shifted his entire life around to incorporate Robyn into their family, and has made it clear that he cares more about what Robyn thinks than his other wives. Especially now that Robyn’s his only remaining wife, Sister Wives season 18 seeing Kody pretend that Robyn isn’t the most important relationship in his life is laughable at times. The fact that he doesn’t even acknowledge that he’s got a favorite, pushing off the accusation and making it seem like all his wives are treated equally makes him sound melodramatic and unnecessarily harsh, at times.

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Kody Needs To Take Accountability

While it’s likely not the best choice in plural marriage, now that Kody is down to only one wife and considering practicing monogamy with Robyn, he needs to come clean. Kody’s always favored Robyn, and has always made it clear he cares for her more than his other wives. From his blatant favoritism to his overwhelming sense of denial surrounding it, Sister Wives season 18 viewers would like Kody more if he could admit to his faults. Rather than pretending that he’s a picture-perfect husband when it comes to all of his wives, if Kody could simply say that he has more romantic attraction in his relationship with Robyn, people would respect him more.

Kody’s not much of a truth-teller, especially when it comes to talking about his relationships. He’s always kept up a facade of buying into plural marriage, especially throughout Sister Wives, but watching him lie about his feelings is exhausting at times. If Kody could take accountability and simply admit that he fell deeper in love with Robyn after years of marriages that he was treating transactionally, viewers and his family alike would likely be able to have a bit more ease in dealing with him. Kody, in turn, would be able to act less dramatically throughout his time on Sister Wives.

Kody Ruined The Brown Family

Kody, Christine, Janelle, Meri, Robyn Brown Sister Wives montage

While Kody has always been Sister Wives biggest proponent of plural marriage, he’s failed when it comes to keeping his family together. After choosing Robyn to join the family and legally marrying her so he could adopt her children from a previous marriage, Kody fell into a honeymoon stage that made his other wives tremendously jealous. Dealing with Christine’s emotions about no longer being the most recent wife, Janelle’s confusion about the way Kody was treating her children, and Meri’s dismissal about their marriage and lack of attraction, Kody decided to simply ignore many of the issues he saw his other wives holding onto. Instead, he chose to favor Robyn, taking her on a honeymoon and showering her love and affection while his other wives festered in frustration.

For Kody, keeping Robyn’s affection at the forefront was the most important. He didn’t care to share his feelings with his other wives or continue to develop relationships with them, because he was happiest with Robyn and knew his other wives would likely stick things out in the relationships for their children and the sake of keeping the family together. Rather than doing any of the hard work to address his lack of feelings for Christine, Janelle, or Meri, Kody dove deeper into favoring Robyn and denying he was doing so. As a public figure, Kody knew he had a lot to lose when it came to maintaining his relationships and his persona all at once.

Robyn Pretends She’s Not The Favorite

Sister Wives's Robyn and Kody

Robyn, who has been the one to win Kody’s affections over the years, has a role in Kody’s behavior as well. Though she’s not in control of Kody or his decisions, she’s played a part in the rest of his wives backing away from their relationships because of her attempts to play the victim. Rather than admitting that Kody’s relationships are all different, Robyn tries to play the middle and revel in Kody’s mistreatment, acting like he’s not favoring her the majority of the time. Her attitude surrounding Kody’s marriages, especially throughout Sister Wives season 18, has been difficult to watch.

Rather than simply admitting she’s part of the problem, Robyn has tried to bond with Christine, Janelle, and Meri through the years about their relationships with Kody. His other wives understand that Robyn is part of the issue, and while they don’t blame her for Kody’s feelings, the fact that she refuses to admit she’s favored is likely one of the big reasons they don’t get along well. With Sister Wives season 18 continuing to explore Robyn’s relationship with Kody as his other marriages crumble. If Robyn and Kody could truly admit where they stand, it’s possible everyone in the Brown family could come out of this season in a better place.

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