‘Sister Wives’ Recap: Kody Brown Hangs Onto Meri Only To Fund…

‘Sister Wives’ Recap: Kody Brown Hangs Onto Meri Only To Fund Coyote Pass

The November 27 episode of Sister Wives, showcases Christine and Kody clashing over a snowblower on her moving day. Janelle continues her strong friendship with Christine while battling Kody over her living arrangements. Meri resents Christine’s decision to move on as she confesses that people now want her to leave Kody, just like Christine.

Sister Wives: Christine Moves To Utah

The episode begins at Christine Brown’s house — it’s moving day and she’s giddy with excitement over moving to her new rental in Utah.

Sister Wives

All hands on deck to help her pack up her house, including her bestie, Janelle Brown. The contract on Christine’s house fell through so the property is back on the market. A new prospect will be stopping by amid the chaos. This is happening a day after the very awkward farewell the night before with Robyn and her kids. A flashback is shown of the uncomfortable good-bye gathering. Both Robyn Brown and Kody describe the farewell as, “awkward and horrible,” in talking head confessionals.

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Robyn sobs about Christine not wanting a relationship with her or her kids after she leaves, and calls the fallout “collateral damage,” that will last for generations.

Sister Wives

Sister Wives: Meri’s Feeling The Pressure

Meri Brown chimes in on how the public backlash from Christine’s departure is affecting her life.

“As the news about Christine leaving has been more public, and has spread, more and more people know about it,” Meri explains in a talking head confessional. She adds, “It shocks me how mean people are.”

Meri Brown

Meri, who shares only a platonic relationship with Kody, claims that she’s being pressured to follow in Christine’s footsteps.

“These people, like, come at me. And they’re just like, ‘Why can’t you be strong like Christine? Why don’t you leave Kody?’” Meri tells the camera. “It frustrates me, because you know what, Christine has her own value regardless of Kody. I have my own value regardless of Kody.”

Sister Wives: Kody Feels Betrayed

After the truck is completely loaded, Christine thanks everyone for their help and she thanks Janelle Brown for being one of her best friends and supporting her decision to leave Kody. Janelle steps outside and becomes overwhelmed with emotion and tears up. She reassures herself it’s not the end, just the end of a big chapter.

Kody’s not handling everything so well — in a talking head confessional he says, “She’s moving today, she’s leaving. And I’m…There’s a sense that I feel like I’m just, in a way, coping. And I really want to tell her, I loved you. I LOVED YOU.”

Sister Wives

He then asks, “Why did you betray me?” He continues, “I worked for this. And that’s almost just pathetic because she’s leaving. She’s done. And I’ve got to accept that. But I don’t want to because it’s breaking my heart.”

A montage of Christine’s plural life with the family is shown and then she pulls up to her new rental in Utah. Christine and Truely run through their new home like kids on Christmas morning. They love their new digs and look so happy.

Sister Wives: Janelle and Kody Fight 

Kody and Janelle meet up at Christine’s house after she moved out and tensions boil over. Janelle is filling up water canisters to dredge back to her RV. Kody tries to convince Janelle to buy Christine’s old house after her buyer falls through, but Janelle shuts him down and puts her foot down.

Janelle Brown

Janelle has been living in an RV amid an effort to build her home on the family property, Coyote Pass.

“I want a house,” Janelle tells Kody. “I’m ready to be settled in my own house.”

“Yeah, but we’re a year from that, even if we start building right away,” Kody points out, about her house-building plan.

Janelle reiterates her main priority: “I can’t afford both house mortgages. I can’t buy this house and in any shape or form, finance another house, even if it’s small. I just can’t.”

The mom of six clarifies that not only can she not afford a downpayment on Christine’s old place, she just does not want the house.

“I want to be out on the property,” Janelle tells him. “That’s the whole reason I’ve been doing everything I’ve been doing.”

Kody notes that Janelle “lacks creativity” and adds that she’s landed in her predicament because she purchased the RV without his seeking his opinion.

Janelle Brown

“If Janelle wouldn’t have bought the RV, she could have been able to afford the mortgage on Christine’s house,” he says.

Janelle, who appears frustrated by Kody’s attitude, shoots him down when he tells her, “we can do both.”

The two bicker back and forth and Janelle explains if she buys Christine’s house, getting a construction loan would be difficult. Kody is trying really hard to sell Janelle on buying Christine’s house but she’s not budging. Janelle tells him that the money they would spend on Christine’s house is the same amount of money it would cost to pay off the land loan on Coyote Pass.

“I’m the one who gets the taxes to the accounts.” Janelle tells the camera. “I see how the money was dispersed from the family account. And there was enough money outside of the debts and our daily expenses that was spent on other things.”

Janelle continues, “And I’m just saying, if we were prioritizing, like we did when we bought other houses, we could pay off the land.”

Robyn chimes in a talking head, “You know, we’ve always worked together to take care of the whole family. We worked together to buy Christine’s house. We worked together to take care of the kids. And I know right now we’re in a position where we can’t pay off that property yet. And I know that’s got to be stressful and frustrating for Janelle. It’s frustrating to me as well, because all I wanted to do is get our butts out there on that property.”

Sister Wives

Janelle is growing increasingly pissed off with Kody’s insistence and calls him out for using her to save Christine’s house, which he loves A LOT.

He tells her, “thinking like an entrepreneur.” But Janelle’s not falling for it and screams at him, “I want my own house!”

Kody storms off after failing to stream roll Janelle and vows he’s not living in an RV.

Sister Wives: Christine and Janelle’s Special Bond

Christine returns to Flagstaff with Truely to move the remainder of her house to Utah, and deal with another buyer of her house. The previous deal fell through and now a new buyer wants to close quick. Christine is ecstatic.

She stays with Janelle in her RV, and it’s the cutest scene of the former sister wives/best friends and their daughters camping under the stars.

Both ladies love and respect each other so much and you can see the genuine admiration they have for each other.

Christine reconfirms that her relationship with her other sister wives will remain estranged but with Janelle they will only grow closer.

Sister Wives: Janelle Puts Her Foot Down

Kody visits Janelle on Coyote Pass — she’s eager to break ground but Kody shuts her down at every turn.

“Is anyone else thinking about coming soon, building soon?” Janelle asks Kody — referring to remaining wives Meri and Robyn.

Sister Wives

Kody describes Meri’s stance as “wishy-washy,” on the topic of building on Coyote Pass, he says, “I don’t know what she’s thinking, what her intentions are, but she would be the most likely to start building next.” Kody tells the camera in a talking head confessional.

Janelle, however, is eager to start building on Coyote Pass with the rest of the family.

I want that,” he adds of Meri starting to build. “I want her to feel like she can do that, so she’ll be partnering with us on what we want to accomplish out here, especially getting it paid off.”

Sister Wives

Janelle is growing frustrated with the pace of the project and wants Meri and Robyn to make a decision about moving forward on the property. Kody on the other hand, is not happy working with Janelle.

“There’s an element that I’m struggling with here, and we’ve just gone through this entire COVID thing where I’ve been left feeling pretty disrespected,” Kody says. “I’m not going to break my back to work for you when you don’t respect me.”

Kody proclaims, “I’m just not. Janelle needs somebody who will break their back to get this project done and that’s not me right now.”

Sister Wives

He then adds, “Men don’t feel love from women who don’t respect them,” admits the father-of-18. “I feel like Janelle struggles to respect me or show me respect. Might be an unfair statement, I don’t know, maybe it’s just the way that we argue.”

Sister Wives: Snow Blower Showdown

Kody and Christine have a final meet up at her house to load several heavy items into a trailer and, the encounter is intense. The simple task quickly devolves into an argument over a snow blower.

“When you’re pulling a trailer, you want the weight in the front. If your weight is in the back, then it starts lifting in a way that’ll start making the trailer rock on the road,” he tells the camera.

Christine expresses her frustration in a talking head confessional, “Oh my gosh, all I really need his help for is the snow blower, that’s it. I want it in front cause then I’m done and he can go.”

Sister Wives

Christine uses reverse psychology on Kody to get the ordeal over with.

“That’s why I keep on saying, ‘You’re gonna help me load all of it then?’ I’m trying to get him to be like, ‘Oh, I don’t wanna stay and help you load all of it. Let’s put the snow blower in first.’ And then I’ll go, ‘That’s a great idea,’” she says.

As Kody continues to explain that he doesn’t think the snow blower should go in first, Christine becomes more irritated.

“He doesn’t need to be here micromanaging how I fill up this trailer with the last of my crap,” she tells the camera.

Back in her garage, Christine puts her foot down.

“This is the deal. I can put the boxes in my car. I cannot put (the snow blower and other large items) in my car. More than anything, those are going with me this trip,” she says.

“I wouldn’t. I would wait,” Kody replies.

Christine’s had enough at this point. “Yeah, I know you wouldn’t. Kody, I know, thank you. I’m going to be in charge of this. I need those with me now,” she says.

Kody says “all right” and promptly beings loading the snow blower into the trailer. In a confessional, he looks back on the tense encounter.

“Yeah, she doesn’t wanna listen to actually good advice so I’m just gonna cram it all in (the trailer). Let’s just get this done,” he says. “She’s proving that she’s the independent woman now by telling me how the best way to pack this is. It bothered me to the core.”

After Christine and Truely pull off in the trailer, Kody is left to reflect on where things went wrong. He agrees with Christine previously calling him a coward, and says I was coward for not telling Christine, “I did not like her.”

Don’t miss a drop of All About The Tea’s Sister Wives coverage here.

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