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Did Whitney Way Thore Unfollow Heather Sykes?

Whitney Way Thore-YouTube

Whitney Way Thore and Heather Sykes were friends, and Heather appeared on My Big Fat Fabulous Life. However, they seem to have drifted apart. A few days ago, TLC fans discussed the possibility that both of the two women unfollowed each other. But, did they? Read on to find out the full story.

MBFFL Whitney Way Thore Is Losing Friends?

Since September last year, Glenn Thore’s daughter had been accused of losing friends. It came before TLC fans met Glenn’s newly found daughter, Angie. The post revealed people with emojis covering their faces, and the music playing was Sweet Home Alabama. In her caption, she said:

Can’t wait for y’all to meet all the wonderful new people in my life! Having a lot of fun with these two this weekend!”

Whitney Way Thore got slammed for excluding her other friends like Heather and Lennie Alehat. Lots of things were said about the friends creeping away from Angie’s half-sister. Now, people think Heather and Whitney are done and dusted.


Heather Sykes And The TLC Star UnFollowed Each Other?

On Reddit, a My Big Fat Fabulous Life discussion started when a post noted that it seemed as if the two TLC women unfollowed each other. It revealed a screenshot of Heather’s profile with “ashdanbay” following her. A second one of Whitney’s profile showed no Heather. So, the OP’s caption said

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Heather & Wwt Unfollow Each Other On IG…I don’t have any conspiracy theories on the matter but further proof that there has been some fallout in the MBFFL group. I’ve hardly been on social media of late, but this must have happened between December and now.


Heather Sykes and Whitney Way Thore Instagrams – Reddit

In the comments, people took it as given that the MBFFL characters parted ways.

  • There is some interesting dirt to be had. Too bad about the NDA. Once it’s up though…
  • I would love to know the story she did sing at Babs funeral but that was the last sighting.
  • You know Heather and the other girl that dropped off the show… I went blank on her name but both have men in their lives now I’m sure the jealousy is eating her alive and you know she can’t keep her mouth shut about any thing.. she probably popped off.

Did MBFFL Star Whitney Way Thore Unfollow Heather?

If you search on desktop, Whitney Way Thore still seems to be following Heather. 24 hours after the post on Reddit it showed there under searches. However, it seems that Heather doesn’t follow the My Big Fat Fabulous Life star back. In the photo below, you can see that we searched to see if the support TLC star follows her famous friend, and it shows “no results found.”  Below that, you can see that Whitney doesn’t allow searches on all her followers.

Heather Sykes Does Not Follow Whitney Way Thore – Instagram

Interestingly, if you look for Glenn’s daughter as a follower of Heather, her name does appear. First, it appears in the search box for the personality on the left. Then, it also shows her under the follower search on Heather’s profile. The thing to remember is that unless you do a full search under their followers, fewer followers will come up, as the results prioritize people that you follow. Perhaps the OP follows @ashdanbay who follows both of the My Big Fat Fabulous Life personalities.

Whitney Way Thore Follows Heather - Instagram
Whitney Way Thore Follows Heather – Instagram

What are your thoughts? Are you surprised to see that it looks like Heather Sykes unfollowed Whitney, but it seems that Whitney Way Thore does follow Heather? Sound off in the comments below, and come back here for all your My Big Fat Fabulous Life news.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/
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