‘Sister Wives’ Meri Brown Finds Patience In Horrific Traffic Situation

Meri Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from Instagram

Sister Wives star Meri Brown has been through quite a lot in her lifetime. Although some of the circumstances were absolutely terrible, Meri is thankful for the lessons they taught her.

In a recent traffic jam, the TLC star felt incredibly grateful that she learned patience during her lifetime of trials. See what she had to share with fans online.

Meri Brown Faces Heavy California Traffic

California is no stranger to traffic jams. However, the state is currently experiencing a massive wildfire that’s also impacting traffic levels. Sister Wives star Meri Brown found herself stuck on the interstate recently and described how she survived the situation.

Meri Brown via Insta 2
Meri Brown/Instagram

“This past weekend, I had the, shall we say, ‘experience’ of the massive I-15 shutdown on my way home from CA. #iykyk,” Meri shared on Instagram. “Spending 14 hours on the road rather than what normally should have taken less than 5 was interesting, to say the least. … I feel like in the past few years, or maybe decade, I’ve learned the power of patience. So this drive wasn’t that big of a deal as far as that goes.”

The TLC star went on to say that she felt incredibly blessed that she drove a hybrid car so she still had plenty of gas to reach her destination. Even though it was an obnoxious situation, it also made her realize how much she grew as a person.

“Moving forward at a very slow pace is still moving forward!” Meri continued. “… Inching forward, no matter the speed, is going to get you somewhere. … So next time you’re working on a goal, or feel a little stuck, or aren’t sure what to do next, just find a little something, it doesn’t have to be huge, but just move! You’ll get there if you keep moving! Promise!”

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Sister Wives Fans Praise The TLC Star’s Patience

Overall, Meri’s Instagram followers seemed impressed that she handled the situation with such grace and dignity. Without a doubt, that same situation would have pushed many people to their breaking points.

Instagram users commented:

  • “Thanks for the inspiration. I needed that. 💕 Good attitude gets you farther toward happiness, whatever that may be.”
  • “Sounds like a lot of healing in this post. Very well said, Meri. Thanks for the kind words. My friends lost their houses in this fire. Inching forward is all they have and a lot of the time all we have. It’s good to remember that”
  • “‘Moving forward at a very slow pace is still moving forward’. I needed to read that. Thank you!!”
  • “Grrrl. You represent patience with what you’ve been through! Power on ❤️”

What do you think about Meri Brown’s lesson on patience? Would you react similarly if you were in a traffic jam? Share your own thoughts and opinions in the comments below.

Follow TV Shows Ace online to keep up with the latest Sister Wives news. There will be more updates on Season 19 to share shortly.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/
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