
Adam & Danielle Busby Want To Hire Nanny To Tackle ‘Hard Part’

Danielle & Adam Busby - OutDaughtered

Recently, the preview for the OutDaughtered Season 10 was released. While it comes with some surprises for the struggling family, it is difficult to imagine they will wrap up all the loose ends. However, fans are picking up on an unreasonable expectation that Adam and Danielle Busby are portraying throughout this season. Some people believe they want to hire someone to do the “hard part” of raising their kids.

Adam And Danielle Busby’s Search Continues

On the latest episode of OutDaughtered, parents, Adam and Danielle Busby sit down with two potential nannies to discuss the possibility of employment. Both of the girls that came to visit with them were from the Quints’ old school. Additionally, one of the girls is a friend of the family. Comfortingly, they have experience with kids and already know a little about what they are getting into. Danielle admits she is getting “desperate” to find someone to help with the kids and around the house. With the feedback from others saying there is too much work for one person, they opted to discuss hiring two people to tag team their efforts.

Danielle & Adam Busby - OutDaughtered
Danielle & Adam Busby – OutDaughtered

Danielle explains that the weekly tasks will look different depending on the week. They consider a “chore reward system” and Danielle and Adam seem excited to move forward. However, the girls were expecting to work together to make it accomplishable, but Danielle suggested they alternate days. In the end, they part ways without coming to a solution since the potential nannies express they are expecting “a lot” for one person to work alone each day. Unfortunately, the Busbys’ budget won’t accommodate paying two people full-time.

Danielle & Adam Busby sit down with two potential nannies. - OutDaughtered
Danielle & Adam Busby sit down with two potential nannies. – OutDaughtered

Fans Think They Are Being Unreasonable

On Reddit, OutDaughtered fans vocalize how Adam and Danielle Busby seem to be hiring a nanny to tackle the “hard part” of parenting. One user starts a conversation by saying, “Nanny drama.” They add, “It’s frustrating seeing them trying to swindle a nanny to take on way more than a person can take on. I’m so glad everyone so far has been straight forward and said that Danielle/Adam are expecting way too much.”

OutDaughtered fans think they are asking too much. - Reddit
OutDaughtered fans think the Busbys are asking too much. – Reddit

Further, they say, “Like in the latest episode wanting two nannies but then suggesting they work half a week each. Like how is that even going to reduce their daily workload at all? Then acting like if they want to both work together that they have to take on half a wage or something. XD They are concerned at the thought of having to pay a lot for this service but they literally have 6 kids and a humongous house. In no world is this going to come cheap.”

Other Fans Join The Conversation

After the initial post, several OutDaughtered viewers gave their two cents on the current season’s plot with Adam and Danielle Busby picking a nanny.

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  • Some people don’t buy the nanny storyline, “They have had two nannies for years, so this staged plot line is irritating.”
  • Another fan points out, “They always say you have to cook clean take care of all the kids do the driving just help out a little here and there.. it’s 6 days a week 15 hours a day no big deal you In?? Umm heck no!!”
  • “I want to scream at the TV ‘you want a housekeeper, not a nanny!!’”
  • “This is 10000% how I feel. They are absolutely trying to short change someone. They are trying to set a price, when it’s the other way around. It should be the nanny/maid setting their prices. Not to mention they’re expecting a nanny to do the jobs of the maid/cleaner as well. Last time I checked, nannying was taking care of the kids. Not cleaning your toilets and doing your laundry. But I could be wrong. I’ve never been a nanny or been fortunate enough to hire one. 🤣”
They sit down with Averee and Maura to see about working with Quints. - OutDaughtered
They sit down with Averee and Maura to see about working with Quints. – OutDaughtered

Adam And Danielle Busby Are Missing An Opportunity

While other OutDaughtered viewers see missed opportunities under Adam and Danielle Busby’s noses.

  • Saying, “They are ignoring the fact they have six pairs of hands in the house that should be available to help with housework and laundry. When I grew up, all the kids had chores around the house and we could not play until the chores were done. Took maybe 20-30 min a day. Seriously, no sympathy here because Adam and Danielle are choosing to run themselves ragged.”
  • “Exactly, those girls are 9-10 yrs old, plus the oldest daughter, that is 6 pairs of hands that could help. When I was growing up, we had chores, we just did what our parents told us and never second guessed. It is not just Danielle and Adam, most parents these days do not want to inconvenience their children yet there is so much to be gained and taught by ‘everyone’ in the family unit investing their time/effort into a home.”
Averee and Maura let the Busbys know they are expecting 'a lot' of one person. - OutDaughtered
Averee and Maura let the Busbys know they are expecting ‘a lot’ for one person. – OutDaughtered

Adam & Danielle Busby Want To Hire Nanny To Tackle ‘Hard Part’

However, some OutDaughtered viewers think that Adam and Danielle Busby aren’t searching for a nanny, but instead, a person to parent their kids.

  • “They create drama. Many of us, I’m sure, have the same challenges they do. I was a single mom with 4 boys, worked as a high school administrator full time, and managed without help. All boys were active in sports, church, etc. They have 2 parents and help. Those girls can do laundry and help. They live in chaos, raising kids is chaos, but the lack of discipline and setting daily responsibilities is the key factor they seem to be missing.”
  • “No discipline or respect…. sadly.”
  • “Easier to let the kids do what they want. It takes work to enforce respect, discipline and teaching. Adam and Danielle would rather just pay someone to do the hard part.”
  • “They are trying to hire parents b/c they are effing so bad at it.”
  • “I love how both parents were lounging around staring at their phones while discussing this urgent need for a nanny. Maybe get up off your butts and parent those kids yourself? Danielle’s ‘job’ seems like a vanity project at best. Adam’s, too, for that matter!”


What do you think about Adam and Danielle Busby’s interactions with the potential nannies? Do you think they are being unreasonable? Do you think they are wanting to pay someone to do the “hard part” of parenting? Are you ready to see the OutDaughtered finale? Drop your comment below.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/
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